What are you doing tonight?


Well-Known Member
I had to play an early wedding in the suburbs, I fucking HATE waking up early. Took a nice nap in my lazyboy when I came home in the air conditioning in front of the fan. It was 90 and humid out. My kid's ebike came today, and my fed ex guy helped my carry up the huge, heavy box. I gave him a 5 spot for his effort. I then went to a local bike shop to pick up a new Trek bike that I purchased a couple days ago. The thing is fucking gorgeous, and is the most comfortable bike I've ever ridden. It was on sale, so I got out of there for a little over $700. I took it home, and jetted to Jewel, hoping to get back in time to ride my new Trek before the thunderstorms hit. I took it out around the 'hood for about 25 mins before I felt the first drops, so I got home right before it hit. Left 2 oz. in my car for 2 different custies to pick up, I didn't want to go out in the storm for a couple sales. Had some spicy chicken wings with some blue cheese, and some ceasar salad with two beers. I'm tired and chillin' and doing a Shark Tank marathon while puffing my Trainwreck. Life is good...


Well-Known Member
Nellie and Me stayed in tonight. I slept while she was at work, she got off around 10, went out and got us some food. Cuddled for a little bit, gave each other massages, watched some porn, had unbelievable sex, started The Crow from 1994 (Netflix) I was 10 or 11 when it came out, lol she was barely 2. I remember my dad taking me to see it at the theaters. That movie made Nine Inch Nails my favorite "band, Trent", still to this day..

She passed out about 2 hours ago
