What Are You Listening To?


Well-Known Member
Happy Easter to everybody who celebrates it.:smile:



Well-Known Member
I have a confession to make. All the time I've been a member here at riu I have not been true to myself. It is high time for me to show a change, so......from this point forward, I will only post music that is in the style that is my true passion---bluegrass country music. I will post 20 bluegrass songs a day, and I will post them all in this thread. I will convert many of you into fans before I am done.
There is no stopping this train.

Can't you just feel the energy when you look at these guys?


Let's start it off with one of my favorites......


ha ha ha ha Happy April Fool's Day!!!!!


Well-Known Member
lmao Thanks for the 'like' Jewel....Especially considering your one of just a few people here that know me well enough that you probably never bought my 'little white lie' for a second.:p
:mrgreen:Good times, good times.....



Well-Known Member
I little Lisa pinup to to get the juices flowing this morning - oh it's afternoon :)
