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Wakeboarding's fun as shit. Lib Tech makes them too now. I've got a black MILF shirt. Art from Jamie Lynn. My boards built for him actually, and he did the art on all his boards too. Rode up on the KT-22 Chair with him once at Squaw.

LIB TECH surf skateboard snowboard ski MILF T-SHIRT mens MEDIUM WHITE New

I love it.

Love riding the glass early morning when the sun is coming up.

The feeling of gliding over the water and then being in the air. Awesome is all I can say.

I'll be riding until I die.
I love it.

Love riding the glass early morning when the sun is coming up.

The feeling of gliding over the water and then being in the air. Awesome is all I can say.

I'll be riding until I die.
Fuck ya. Ride or Die. Jamie Lynn is actually the one who made me give Judas a chance. That's his favorite band. Holy shit, just wished I would've given Judas a chance way sooner. He's always talking about riding, and I know he's talking about motorcycles, but I think of riding as boarding.
