What Are You Listening To?

Yo @Amos Otis I'd just like to know what your fucking issue is with me. Is it something about the music I post here, or how I come off like a socially inept autist? I've heard all that shit before. I don't do "hints" and all that passive-aggressive subliminal BS. So please, by all means, make yourself known and tell me outright. I can take it!

Either prove me wrong in my belief that you're a defective subhuman swine lacking an ounce of courage, or simply cower back into your hovel and remove any and all doubt.
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Your posts make me LOL almost every time. That's why I use the appropriate emoji. I dig your comedy.

Well holy shit bruh, then I really AM a fucking autist LMAO. Guess I shouldn't go off on people like just assuming they have it in for me. With all that said, laugh away, and feel free to spark one up for me.

The future war sequences in the Terminator movies (I only acknowledge the first two as canon) were such an influence on me. I remember being positively enraptured and a little terrified by them when I was like 12 LMAO.
Guess I shouldn't go off on people like just assuming they have it in for me.

What reason would I have it in for you? Stuff like this is comedy gold.

Prepare the hold for the beasts
Hatches nailed shut
Divide the worms from the meat

And the Bolt Cutters? Forgetaboutit.
