man bro i had clones passed to me of plush.
one purp, tasty, mad bag appeal, and not uber potent. she was a sexy tranny

the green one, omg, space queen dom, stable, dank as fuck, taste like heaven... & i lost it !
i wanted to cry & still miss that green plush.
both your plants there look great.
& for sure jimmyindica, green crack makes good s1 seed... seems many plants perform great from that HSO seed line. def a good freebie from the 'tude , i got a few in my stash.
me... if i cant buy it in the usa... fuck that.
no more gr@sscity, tude, se@dsman, etc.
dear europe seed & glass game ==> you're fucked.
love my weedstar & blackleaf though
def getting an affordable piece through our new glass cartel sponser.