what are you running now ?


Well-Known Member
when i used bottled water shit was good. only seeds i had damp off were 2 ez ryder autos. switched over to tap water like 6 months ago and didnt notice any probs cause i was just working with my clones. i never soak, i paper towel to pellets to dirt. what really hurts is these chemdawgs i wanted pretty bad. i cracked 5 but 1 made it, about to crack the other 5 with poland springs and see if we get some success. more like 100% success, im to ocd for anything less...
Ever try slightly scoring your beans prior to your germination technique? I myself use a matchbox with fine grade sandpaper in it. Plop bean(s) in there gently agitate then attempt germination.


Well-Known Member
I've gotten literally 100% germination using this method (except for some really old not well stored seeds, over 10 years old, still got some to pop):

Very light scuffing of the seed (nail file on my nail clippers here) on the edges that crack open
Drop in water for 6-12
Put in a rapid rooter or rockwool in trays and keep the temps around 75-80 (I often toss a lamp on my fridge and put em up there as the ambient temp is a little higher or I use a heat mat depending on the time of year)
They should pop in the next couple of days. I keep em in a dome but I keep it ventilated also. Once they sprout they go into the veg room I don't like to keep them really humid as damping off is a problem that I have experienced once. Veg room is usually around 50 RH anyway, so it's not so bad for them.

You can toss some H2O2 in the water you use to kill any bugs. I did that for a while but I figured it was mostly pointless as the seeds should be pretty clean.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Gud, the Bubblegummer freebie I grew out was monstrous. Both in stature and in high. Wish I'd kept a clone. Flav was like musky candy to my pallette, not my favourite but others fucking ADORED it. I still get asked about it.


New Member
i definitely want to grab some of the bubblegummer.
nice to hear a + review !


busted a kelp4less order this week.

new promo code for 5% discount :

"Want to save more at www.kelp4less.com. Use Coupon Code LOYALCUSTOMER at checkout for 5% off"

grab'd the calmag+ makes one gallon for only $14 & azomite for like $8 makes 2 gallons of liquid micro ! can be added to coco ! and more.


New Member
cant rep+ you.

some hot pics right there.
i broke the antenna off a car, my favorite a la cart crack pipe, to enjoy some of that werthers.

thinking i see no recipes for making an azomite slurry one gallon mix.
might just add some to my coco.

5 gal hot water , kelp powder , calmag+ , & azomite.

phd 6.3 (ish)

i dress with BTI once i fluff the coco up to give me some gnat protection.

bennies i can add via quick teas anytime.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
when you guys soak is it distilled , spring water, or tap? thinking something in my tap may have some shit damping off my seedlings...maybe. not sure. i have 99% cloning success but goddamn my seed rate has gotta be near 75% after seeing it crack. i always blame myself but after watching this kandy kush cut its own head of, as well as my jawa im thinking might be a microbe in my water. im also looking into beneficials that prevent damping. piranha has that damping off killing shit, i gotta check the great white.

chack out that book by mcpartland on cannabis pests or something like that, shit is loaded with pest killing gold but needs an update.

also be posting my lil male flowering box as well as the new veg setup under led, or maybe veg with t5 and flower with led.
Try watering with a eye dropper. Might be high humidity as well. Also do you see gnats flying around?? I also don't use domes in summer cause the humidity is high as it is.


Well-Known Member
Il tell u what I'm not running right now.....

My poor cadi. Neighborhood entrance was flooded bad and in pretty sure I hydro locked my motor. She's all flubbed up. Several other people stuck in the same puddle just around the bend!

Hope the tow guy has papers. That's all I wanted was some fucking papers!


New Member
1g of hash stuffed into a one hitter solves all any and every issue known to man.

(except lethargy).
(& hash narcolepsy)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I've been running the same Tahoe mum grown of regular seed not fem for a while, got it running propa even with fresh mums vegging, week 4 of flower on every plant in this cycle:

You can waste my time, you can waste my money, you can fuck me over in any way and never have me quite as pissed as when a significant area of my very valuable flowering space is wasted. Only difference in conditions from last time was a slight Mg def a little while ago, some epsom salts sorted that in 3 days. A frigging REGULAR BEAN.


Well-Known Member
Regs don't guarantee anything, og genetics are susceptible to herms. My 818 never showed opposites ever, through rough stress like heat and nute def. I accidentally left the tent open at lights out for an hour once and bam 2 days later she was sporting more balls than a football team.


New Member
worst shit in my garden this year : subrosa's sirus lemon haze (slh x aliendawg)

3 phenos.
all bar none.
100% total crap.

& got 2 more in flower i wish would disappear.


New Member
im putting them aside.

with og graze (eugenics) and chocolate cheese (esko) and jb x engineers dream (BB) .

for recipe exchanges & culinary wizardry.

ever since : i donated to homeless beans & never even got a thank you.
& sent dude more than 40 beans of a+ heritage & quality. no factory seconds. no free releases.

even Gandhi liked a little pussy sometimes.