What are YOU smokin on?


I completely understand why chinese and whatever she is speaking aren't romance languages... that is freakin hilarious though!! ... "I think so man..." LOL

and wtf did he go back in the porta potty for???
I completely understand why chinese and whatever she is speaking aren't romance languages... that is freakin hilarious though!! ... "I think so man..." LOL

and wtf did he go back in the porta potty for???

Ha ha ha I think he was so embarrassed or drunk that he thought there was a sink in there he didn't see the first time around.

Dude, that first video had me wanting some bad. But yeah, im smoking some grandaddy greenhouse right now. Best stuff I can find in my area. it smokes great with a little extra curing. without its still really nice
Dude, that first video had me wanting some bad. But yeah, im smoking some grandaddy greenhouse right now. Best stuff I can find in my area. it smokes great with a little extra curing. without its still really nice

I thought you were talking about dude washing hands in urinal... This weed I'm smoking is impressive... it feels like I ate some...
better than resin

And it's not resin.

If you could taste it, and feel the medicinal qualities. You would trade your premie for it in a heart beat. I would rather have 3 kinds of hash, lol. Have fun with your premy buds that you microwaved because you're too lazy to get up.