What are you smoking right meow?!


Active Member
What the hell are you smoking right now?

Mmmmm.... Blue dream

WHaaaaaaaat is that set up?!?!?!?!!? volcano to a bong? Amazing! :clap::clap:

I didn't know they made a whip for it.

I smoked some hash, some hindu kush, and now im gonna follow up with some blue dream
Too bad im quitting blazing in 2 weeks :cuss:

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hmm ... is this still H.S .... smells like a green house !
Perhaps it's my Teleporter !
A Glitch ?

Shoo !!



Active Member
Lol yeah it definitely is to connect the bong to the volcano... it's so siiiick!

Don't quit!!! Quitting is for.... well quitters!!!


Active Member
Is that the easy valve set up?

I dont want to quit by any means, but I will have a drug test at some point between now and the next year for the clinical portion of my masters program. I don't want to go through the stresses of obtaining clean urine last minute again, so I'll just stay clean for however long it takes.


Active Member
Lol all it is is just a glass piece, like a stem just without the bowl, and you attach the hose to it and to the volcano where you would put the bag. :) Definitely fucks you up!


Well-Known Member
im old school......im smoking vertio in garcia vega's......later imma go to the casino and pretend im in vegas


Well-Known Member
i dont know what the hell that is...it look like my 5th grade science experiment gone horribly....right,...........what ever it is let me hit it!!!


Active Member
It's a Phantom but it's the same exact thing as the volcano. But I didn't make it. Got the attachment from the smoke shop. It's just a tube and glass piece that they sell for that reason.