What are you smoking today?


New Member
Animal face from rhythm because sadly my first grow isn't done iv been smoking animal face like mad trying to get another seed from it. My buddy found one in his but he didn't find it until it caught in the grinder and it cracked it sadly no germination. Its not a genetic that has been released and was this year's indica cup winner in my state. I'm still heart broken it didn't make it.
I currently have don shula growing My same buddy found as far as I can tell it's also not been released I'm about to hit my second week of flower and things are looking amazing, but Iv grown other things and did vast amounts of research along the way. Idk what's up with my friend but he has the most stupid luck in all things. Pulls the most expensive cards from card packs. Pulls seeds out of award winning commercial bud it doesn't make sense but he can't grow in my state legally so my gain I guess.


Yes I know bag seed isn't the best I have real genetics on the way for next run I just think having unique stuff is cool.
I would not judge anyone trying to recreate a gewd smoke. it is a feature, not a bug, of nature.

Going between some GG4 and some Ice Cream Cake from a dispo, as I am working on my first grow.