What are your favourite films of all time


Well-Known Member
wow dude, i was just about to start a thread with the exact same topic... collective unconscious, huh?

Well personally, I vote for: Repo Man, Life Aquatic w/Steve Zissou, Riki-Oh, Evil Dead trilogy, Usual Suspects, Reservoir Dogs, The Big Lebowski... there are more, but i'm way lit, and thinking is hard (I am so smart, i am so smart, S-M-R-T, I mean s-m-A-r-t!)


Well-Known Member
Dude City of God is the shit! The little crazy fucker going through that motel, that shit is crazy.

Drunken Master is also the shit... the ones with Jackie CHan and the ones with just the old drunk guy... awesome movies.

you ever see flying guillotine or 36 chambers?

Also this is completely random, but you guys should check out this korean movie called "Attack the Gas Station"... that movie is fucking awesome.


Well-Known Member
dude Battle Royale is one of the best movies ever, i forgot to add that shit...

you can d/l decent subbed copies off bittorrent... i highly recommend that movie, and the actual copy is hella hard to get a hold of.


Well-Known Member
the second BR sucks ball tho... don't see it, it will ruin your opinion of the first one, like how the two matrix sequels tarnished the excellent first matrix.


Active Member
Snatch is tha shit. its so funny to hear those black guys talk with the accent. (not a racist comment)

also Detroit Rock City is one of the greatest movies ever made


Well-Known Member
Geee Movies huh? I use to own a large chain of video stores, hence the name.
An old time favorite is: The pulp of greenwich village.
Cool movie! I love when Paulie gives the cop a horse physic,
and he shits his pants in the street.


Well-Known Member
Snatch is tha shit. its so funny to hear those black guys talk with the accent. (not a racist comment)

also Detroit Rock City is one of the greatest movies ever made
are you sure thats not even a tiny bit racist, yeah sure you get black guys in america, but you do in every other country. What would be strange to you then is to hear a black guy talk in spanish.


Well-Known Member
the second BR sucks ball tho... don't see it, it will ruin your opinion of the first one, like how the two matrix sequels tarnished the excellent first matrix.

hey man don't dis the matrix!
I used to watch the lobby scene every morning before going to school as my morning "get the fuck out of bed and awake" routine (no I diddn't want to shoot up my school :roll:).

yes the seaquels were a bit on the lame side if you just watch the 3 movies, you need to play both games, and watch the animatrix to understand whats going on in the sequels to the matrix, once you do that, man it makes SOOO much more sence.

so obviously I'm going to say the matrix is my all time fav action, starwars is my fav scifi, American beauty is my fav drama (guaranteed to get you laid!), and idle hands as both my fav comedy AND horror.


Well-Known Member
Dude the best black character from any Guy Ritchie movie is the dude from lock, stock, two smoking barrels... has the accent, grows pot, AND spits everclear on some dude for changing his channel... badASS.

Also videoman... that is awesome that you used to own a video store chain... i'd love to do something like that, although blockbuster online/netflix have kinda ruined that idea... but is the movie Pope Of Greenwich Village?

Also i'll say it again, but check out Attack the Gas Station... its some funny shit...


Well-Known Member
hey man don't dis the matrix!

yes the seaquels were a bit on the lame side if you just watch the 3 movies, you need to play both games, and watch the animatrix to understand whats going on in the sequels to the matrix, once you do that, man it makes SOOO much more sence.

I disagree man... i've seen all three matrix's (matrices>?) and i've seen the animatrix (2nd best installment beside the first one) and played the first game... and while I do agree that Matrix 1 and the Animatrix are AWESOME.. I disagree with you...

The first matrix laid a good foundation for solid epic... Neo has powers, they've thwarted Agent Smith, motherfucker can FLY... and with two years to craft an awesome two sequels they.... wrote some highly pretentious, confused crap. Its like they smoked some meth (one of the wachowski's is a transgender S&M freak... me thinks his drug of choice is METH) skimmed through a bunch of philosophy and religious texts, and then tried to write the story/script while coming down or hung over.

And the end of the last matrix... where Neo erupts into a CROSS SHAPED EXPLOSION OF LIGHT... wtf man, wtf.

The wachowskis are capable of making awesome movies like bound, V for Vendetta (not directed by wachowskis but written and "supervised") and, god willing, Speed Racer will be AWESOME... HOWEVER, thats doesn't changed the fact that wachowskis saw an awesome marketing scheme in the Matrix universe, and focused on making a spectacle. They could've smeared shit onto celluloid after the fist matrix, and people would have bought it, and thought it was great. The first matrix worked because it had a balance of philosophy and action... justified action. The second and third are pretty much action scenes with random philisophical regurgitation thrown in for good measure.

I guess if you were watching the Matrix trilogy with the sound off, it is one of the best action franchises in recent history... but as they are, i think the sequels suck.


Well-Known Member
theres a new film out starting jason stratham, who was turkish in snatch, its called crank i think, we were a little unsure how to take this film at first and thought it was an absolute pile of shit, but once you get half way thru you get it and the film is pretty good


Well-Known Member
I saw crank man, i actually thought that was a decent movie... not as good as The Transporter, slightly better than The Transporter 2...

Thats of course using the Statham scale of Crappiness... Transporter =9, Crank=6.5, Transporter 2= 4.5


Well-Known Member
I saw crank man, i actually thought that was a decent movie... not as good as The Transporter, slightly better than The Transporter 2...

Thats of course using the Statham scale of Crappiness... Transporter =9, Crank=6.5, Transporter 2= 4.5
but crank was supposed to be bad, its understanding this that makes it better.

the part where he was running thru the hospital in the bed clothes with no under wear a gun under his arm speeding his tits off with a massive erection and being on the run had us in absolute stitches.

havent seen the trasnporter


Well-Known Member
yeh I agree man... the way I look at it, there are two types of movies: entertainment, and art (film, if you will).

My example is always mortal kombat (the first movie): Its a good, highly entertaining movie, but a horrible film. Thats how crank is, a good movie, but a bad film... Thats why I gauged it on the Statham Scale of Crappiness.

Remembering back on Crank, it was actually a really good movie. I think I actually sat down and watched it twice...


Well-Known Member
''.. that was fucking awsome..''

( quote: from when he chops off the dudes hand outside the shop in the alley)

great rampage movie havent seen a good one like it since blues brothers.