What are your opinions of mixed race relationships?

are mixed race relationships ok?

  • I dont have a problem with mixed race relationships, live and let live i say

    Votes: 87 64.9%
  • I dont mind some mixed race relationships but others i dont

    Votes: 4 3.0%
  • I am totally disugsted by the idea

    Votes: 12 9.0%
  • I couldnt give a shit really

    Votes: 31 23.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Man i look at this just like relegion.
"I dont care who, or what you pray to. If it makes you happy you can worship the wall..Just dont force your beliefe's on me..."

In short..I dont care either way..If someone is happy, then so be it..


Well-Known Member
How do you feel if you see mixed race relationships, are there some that are ok and others that are not.

How would you feel if your child were to marry from another religion/ country. What if they were from afghanistan or asia or somewhere in the middle east?
As far as race goes, well we are childrein God. Black, White, or brown its all the same. I will always encourage my kids to marry a fellow Christian.


New Member
I feel the same way. Besides which, most of us are mixed. Who cares about this kind of stuff anyway. This is 2007 not 1950 !!!
How do you feel if you see mixed race relationships, are there some that are ok and others that are not.

How would you feel if your child were to marry from another religion/ country. What if they were from afghanistan or asia or somewhere in the middle east?
What difference does it make to us anyways? How does that effect our lives?

I believe People are People, some have darker skin than others.
It is religions that set that tone in society. And of course the media has nothing to do with any of this. (ya right)
How a person behaves and treats others is the most important.
If my daughter was to meet a person with different colour skin, she would not even notice a difference. We live in Canada which is very diverse. On my block, we are the minority (us being white). So I can totally see me daughter being with someone other than white. It is in the numbers. And who really knows, maybe she will be with the white or brown girl down the street, lol. I have a very open mind.
What ever, as long as they are happy!


Well-Known Member
I feel the same way. Besides which, most of us are mixed. Who cares about this kind of stuff anyway. This is 2007 not 1950 !!!

What difference does it make to us anyways? How does that effect our lives?

I believe People are People, some have darker skin than others.
It is religions that set that tone in society. And of course the media has nothing to do with any of this. (ya right)
How a person behaves and treats others is the most important.
If my daughter was to meet a person with different colour skin, she would not even notice a difference. We live in Canada which is very diverse. On my block, we are the minority (us being white). So I can totally see me daughter being with someone other than white. It is in the numbers. And who really knows, maybe she will be with the white or brown girl down the street, lol. I have a very open mind.
What ever, as long as they are happy!

yea this is easy to say..but if your daughter did come home with someone of a different race,even though you might approve its still something that you have to get used to..when different races get together,its mixing two cultures together..everybody sees color when they look at another person..its the most obvious thing about them how could you not?


Well-Known Member
People are people are people are people.
Smoke weed every day!
Then the world would be a better place!
For example: Afghan smoked by Afghanies would equal no taliban or al queda or what ever bullshit terrorist outfit is out there.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
People are people are people are people.
Smoke weed every day!
Then the world would be a better place!
For example: Afghan smoked by Afghanies would equal no taliban or al queda or what ever bullshit terrorist outfit is out there.

I totally agree with you. :joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Good point if everyone smoked lots of weed they would all be too stoned to fight. But the 7 11's of the world would see an increase in business. lol


Well-Known Member
I went out with a Black girl back in highschool. Everytime we'd go out every black guy we'd walk by would mean mug at us. toobad none of em could beat me, lol. just an observation.


Well-Known Member
It would be to late to want any race to be pure. We're all human beings and
our blood is red, i'd say we're a perfect match. lol


New Member
People are people are people are people.
Smoke weed every day!
Then the world would be a better place!
For example: Afghan smoked by Afghanies would equal no taliban or al queda or what ever bullshit terrorist outfit is out there.
Sorry to have to point this out but in fact the Taliban allow farmers to grow weed. What they abhor is opium. If a farmer gets caught growing opium they are executed. This is why the US allowed the twin towers to happen, as an excuse to go to war in afghanistan as the worlds opium resources were depleted. Afghanistan was about Opium, Iraq was about Oil.

Terrorist; one man's terrorist is another mans FREEDOM FIGHTER.


Well-Known Member
i have a molotto gf and im casper white... i think shes the most beautiful thing ive ever seen without leaves... fuck racists and nazis! arent we all humans? wtf is wrong with people