What are your political deal breakers?

it has come to light that you think muslims are pedo worshippers. that much is clear.
Understood, the Muslims I work with will tell you that all life is precious and killing a spider is a crime against Allah. They don't like to talk about the pedo thing, it was a different time when society was cool with that. I know it's the crazies making a bad name for the rest, like Westboro Church does here for the christians.

yep, clear as mud wouldn't you say?

Do you really know all of my posts? what a creeper...
i see that after i pointed out your one-sided muslim baiting you made sure to make a reference to WBC. good job.


You will look back on this day and think damn, I should have taken the day off, I was really sucky that day. What arrogance to think I made that post because of you. You don't hold the same power over me that I obviously hold over you.

You will look back on this day and think damn, I should have taken the day off, I was really sucky that day. What arrogance to think I made that post because of you. You don't hold the same power over me that I obviously hold over you.

kinda seems like a victory declaration. congrats!
There it is, thanks for that, I couldn't remember the exact details and googling on a phone is a pita.

I've read what hardcore fundamentalists wrote about the subject. He's the prophet and had to know the love of a woman before she was corrupted. Sort of like how Joseph never fucked Mary, yet "they" conceived Jesus. The shit they come up with.
first reason listed, six full sentences dedicated to it.

that's where lies go........out in front of the truth............
I've heard some stuff that Mohammed married a young woman but I have yet to verify that by reading a translation of the Koran. I still don't see how that changes the fact that they are worshipping God-Allah-Jehovah. I think part of the problem is the Arabic language has changed and zealouts have wiggle room to 'interpret' passages. Also, Bin Laden issued Fatwas yet had no learned status to do so.(misuse of Islam)

They worship Allah. No idolatry in Islam.
ah......."it has to be read in Arabic." lol
the West has been translating Arabic since Alexander the Great. nothing is being lost in translation.
I'd shoot them and their Christian fellow Murderites into space, to fight to the death over which funny hat is better. and if the Jews start trying to change my laws, they can go too.
Didn't say anythings being lost in translation
I think part of the problem is the Arabic language has changed and zealots have wiggle room to 'interpret' passages. Also, Bin Laden issued Fatwas yet had no learned status to do so.(misuse of Islam)
I think I said there could be room to 'spin'. If there is, I'll bet someone's doing it for power or influence.
Didn't say anythings being lost in translation

I think I said there could be room to 'spin'. If there is, I'll bet someone's doing it for power or influence.

"When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives."

yes.......I'm sure this message of peace has been twisted.
You've decided and that's fine. So 1.2 Billion are coming for the rest of us?
"When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives."

yes.......I'm sure this message of peace has been twisted.
I'm not condoning violence or inciting violence. I'm sure the old testament could be cherry picked too.
You've decided and that's fine. So 1.2 Billion are coming for the rest of us?

I'm not condoning violence or inciting violence. I'm sure the old testament could be cherry picked too.
it is........by me. Leviticus is no more appealing to me than the Quran. apologist.
go help your Muzzie pals slaughter sub-Saharan blacks. 1400 years, and going strong. a genocide greater than the Mongol invasion of China and Persia combined.
"I'm not condoning violence or inciting violence. I'm sure the old testament could be cherry picked too."

you leave the word, "but" out of the sentence, but I still detect it. apologist.
Understood, the Muslims I work with will tell you that all life is precious and killing a spider is a crime against Allah. They don't like to talk about the pedo thing, it was a different time when society was cool with that. I know it's the crazies making a bad name for the rest, like Westboro Church does here for the christians.
I don't know of any society that was cool with marrying an 8 year old.

Western society, that is. It is true we used to marry off 12 and 13 year old girls. But these are closer to women than children, considering they are sexually mature and capable of reproduction.

My great grandmother was 13 when she married a 26 year old about 100 years ago.

But it's a long road from 8 to 13.

Muhammad was real and did live. He had many wives.

I guess we will never be able to be 100 percent certain he actually did marry an 8 year old. But that isn't really important, is it?

The Muslim holey book says he did. So a billion muslims around the world rever a man who was a child rapist.