What are your thoughts on Abortion?

I honestly feel that ; desert dude, dooer, all those that sign up for "white supremacy" forums should have been aborted. The world would be a better place without racists, bigots, and those that try to twist reality into some sort of fantasy land drama fairy tale.
I honestly feel that ; desert dude, dooer, all those that sign up for "white supremacy" forums should have been aborted. The world would be a better place without racists, bigots, and those that try to twist reality into some sort of fantasy land drama fairy tale.
Who care what you think?

In person it would be different and you know it. So, stop being a sniviling hiding forum coward.
Who cares what you think? Go back and find the Where is Doer? Threads when I was out over Xmas.

You are just trying to bully, appeal to the masses. Dime a dozen, forum Nazi, thinks I am trying to annoy him. I don't even care enough to bother. I am just posting and responding and challenging your very dumb ideas.

So, what are mental 25? Just a punk. I have surely more of everything in my life than you.

Remember, I have been your age. You have not been mine.
I honestly feel that ; desert dude, dooer, all those that sign up for "white supremacy" forums should have been aborted. The world would be a better place without racists, bigots, and those that try to twist reality into some sort of fantasy land drama fairy tale.

You are such a punk you can't have your ideas challenged.
After seeing this march have your views changed?

i hope on the way out the protesters left their contact info in order for them to receive invoicing and pay for that child until age 18.

abortion like religion is a personal choice and no one else's to make.

stay out of my va-jay-jay!

hummm....... i swear i saw a post here where a member said he/she was a millionaire. was there a sudden reversal of fortune, or some editing, lol??? so did you start getting hit up for cash immediately, lol???
I honestly feel that ; desert dude, dooer, all those that sign up for "white supremacy" forums should have been aborted. The world would be a better place without racists, bigots, and those that try to twist reality into some sort of fantasy land drama fairy tale.

Maybe I'm behind here and you've already disclosed your prior username and history on the forum, but how would a member since last month have ANY knowledge or insight on events that happened or didn't happen, so long ago?

Unless, you've been swallowing the truckloads of bullshit, wild conclusions and flat out fabrications of the member gracing my ignore list. I would suggest you do the same, unless you like being polluted with lefty dumbassery.
Maybe I'm behind here and you've already disclosed your prior username and history on the forum, but how would a member since last month have ANY knowledge or insight on events that happened or didn't happen, so long ago?

Unless, you've been swallowing the truckloads of bullshit, wild conclusions and flat out fabrications of the member gracing my ignore list. I would suggest you do the same, unless you like being polluted with partisan dumbassery.
Fixed it for you.