What businesses use a lot of electricity?

and dont forget to lock them!

anyone remember the thread where FDD's friend had a shop in one of those rent-a-shop strips and heard fans in the shop next door. turns out the roll up door wasnt locked and they rolled it up to find a shitload of plants.

i think it was a FDD thread anyway.

haha no worries with that i am a paranoid ass motherfucker and i lock everything every time even if i am stepping outside to grab the newspaper i dont fuck around
good luck with that man, im kinda excited for yah. sounds like badass operation ur planning out. if u need employees... im here ! lol
i would love to have a freakin old walmart rented out and hire a bunch of employees however i believe this endeavor will be a sole proprietorship
i would love to have a freakin old walmart rented out and hire a bunch of employees however i believe this endeavor will be a sole proprietorship

brother, as tempting as it is to bring a homie in...dont.

i had a big op for almost a year with a partner. someone will always feel like they put more in and should get more out. there will be fights over whos fault the pump failing is. and when its all said and done there will be somone who is kinda sore at you that knows you grow.

your a smart guy or you wouldnt have gotten this far...

props on them big clankin brass balls your swingin around too.
Dude...I wouldn't worry. All businesses are energy hogs. You look at a typical office building. There are cpu's, lights, heat/ac on constantly. I work in a 15,000 sq foot building and our electric bill is at least 2k a month, and I would suspect that's on the low end. What you might want to do is place yourself around Weld shop, or printing shop or something other businesses that eat up power. Also make sure it looks legit. Get keys made, make sure you have cars in the parking lot. Cops typically shy away from industrial parks because there usually used for commercial purposes.
It will cost you alot to rent a building of good size, so you'll have to in turn grow alot of weed to cover your expenses.

It's expensive but if done right, and not cutting corners I'm sure you could get away with it.
Wouldn't it be cheaper/easier/safer to buy/lease a million $ plus home, maybe something with a large horse riding arena or huge barn where they already naturally have rows and rows of HID's burning many thousands of watts?

Private property would be so much safer.
Wouldn't it be cheaper/easier/safer to buy/lease a million $ plus home, maybe something with a large horse riding arena or huge barn where they already naturally have rows and rows of HID's burning many thousands of watts?

Private property would be so much safer.

very true, but i imagine the initial investment would be around 100K as opposed to 10K to rent.
no worries bro, this is a sole proprietorship, the only employees are me, myself, i, and that funny voice in my head.. i was just sayin it would be fun to open a walmart full of bud and hire a bunch of employees cuz someone else said they wanted a job or somethin lol... no worries bro i like to keep my problems to myself

and deez clankers aint brass, im upgrading to titanium :clap:

i just noticed your up late AND up early like me....money never sleeps 'eh?

haha truer words were never spoken.. good thing i have insomnia or id have a fucked up sleep schedule LOL

oregon i agree that private property would be much much better, and i do plan on eventually getting off the grid, having a few acres with 200k+ of solar equipment, and a horse arena lol but until then i gotta get by with what i can do.. thats why i think renting out a warehouse type place, blowing it up with 12k for 2 cycles, and then just leaving it dormant would be good... i could then go to another spot, blow it up a couple months, then dip out again... this is unless i was very comfortable in the original spot, then i could just continue for a year or so, get my acrage, get my solar panels and be done with it...
very true, but i imagine the initial investment would be around 100K as opposed to 10K to rent.

exactly, renting i need a small deposit, maybe a credit check whatever, whereas with a big house id need a bunch down, credit check, proof of income, bank loans, and all kinds of sniffing around, where as if i just bought some land from a guy straight up, built my own house on it from supplies at home depot, installed my own plumbing, electric, solar, drilled my own well etc.. there is a lot less of a paper trail and a hell of a lot less sniffing up my asshole which i never seem to enjoy
heres an idea for you.

2 seperate flower rooms, 10- 1000w ballasts, 20 hoods and bulbs, and 10 relay switches.

its a fact that ballasts run more efficiently when warmed up, so why turn them off? have the relays hooked up to your timer. one room runs for 12hrs then the relays switch power to the other room.

twice the light with half the ballasts plus your ballasts run more efficiently. you could save at least 2K on ballasts.
damn flo, movin on up?

web servers. if someone wants to see some product its the easiest to pull off.

i have a better idea, but im not broadcasting it. ill PM you.

I know it's been years since this thread here but I am in the same pickle at the moment. If there is any way you could PM me the better idea I'd appreciate it.

I know it's been years since this thread here but I am in the same pickle at the moment. If there is any way you could PM me the better idea I'd appreciate it.

Why don't you tell all of us. We are all friends here and I'm sure no one will spill their guts.:roll:
open a weed growing business they use the most. number 2 a body shop. the bills are around 2500 a month easy. you could just have a few cars park out side and grow on the inside.