What camera to buy?


I need your advice on if this is a good camera to buy to take pictures of my grow so I can post them on here. I want to get some good up close picture of the girls.

The one I planned on choosing one of these cameras. Any help would be appreciated.

I found these cameras on BestBuy.com

Polaroid - 10.5-Megapixel Digital Camera - Blue 3x optical/4x digital/12x total zoom

Polaroid - 12.0-Megapixel Digital Camera - Red 3x optical/4x digital/12x total zoom

GE - 9.1-Megapixel Digital Camera - Black 5x optical/5.7x digital/28.5x total zoom

I want to keep the price under $70


The zoom wont help you at all for close up pictures, want you want is macro. You can compare the close focus distance and maximum magnification of the different cameras to see which one will do best for really close up pictures. Honestly in that price range the main thing to be concerned about is not buying a piece of crap. On that note I wouldn't recommend any of those choices. It looks like you made a list of cameras you saw at walmart that seemed affordable.

I've been into photography all my life and sold cameras for 3 years and one thing I can tell you is go with a good name brand camera. Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Fuji, Sony, Panasonic are all good. Notice Kodak is not on the list. I used to see all kinds of different cameras all the time and developed hundreds of thousands of pictures from all types of cameras, and the name brand cameras just do a better job.

By the way, digital zoom is completely worthless. I usually recommend turning it off.


Well-Known Member
i dont kno the model but my boy just copped a samsung touchscreen for like 299 it is sick! search some samsung models im sure youll find it just reread ur post i actually own a ge check my pics bro!