What Can I Do If A Dispensary Ripped Me Off?


Well-Known Member
So, I made the dumb mistake of giving a dispensary something on consignment. They said I could pick up partial payment of what had sold so far at any point. But when I tried to, they kept putting me off. When it became clear that they were not going to pay me (or at least were going to make it a huge pain in the ass) I went in and took back what was left of my stuff. At that point they had sold about half of what I initially left with them. Now, almost two months later, I haven't seen a cent from them.

Is there anything I can do? Can I threaten to take some action if they don't pay?

And, before anyone gets on me for being greedy... I have a small grow (I'm legal and have a legitimate medical need myself), I don't have that much extra to sell to a dispensary, I work my ass off on my other jobs, and I'm still barely scraping by. It's not like I'm living some life of luxury here - I'm constantly looking at having utilities shut off. This guy already sold the stuff, and I'd bet that the half of the money that was supposed to go to me to help with my expenses went right into his pocket.


Well-Known Member
Well, you can start by naming them, so that others don't get fucked over like you did.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
not much you can do if it's just your word against theirs. surely a reputable dispensary would offer either contracts or such if it's being given to them under the guise of you being paid as it sells.

they sound like a bunch of tits!


Well-Known Member
Name them, camp outside their place and tell everyone about it.
let the people that screwed you know that u will not stop telling everyone until u get your money.

u scare enough business away and they might wanna change their tune.

prob would be better if u just let it go and moved on, learn from your mistake.


Active Member
This happened to a friend of mine. He brought 3 big brothers with him and they gave him the cash immediately. The crazy eye and backup works well.


Well-Known Member
first off those people are dicks. but you should not have done that. you didnt get anything in writing? why did you front them anyways they have money and if he told you he didnt he was lying so he could do exactly what he did. i know your supposed to be all friendly around pot but in this case its business not all peace and love. get the deal in writing and have witnesses to it. you should watch some episodes of judge judy this type of shit happens all the time between business partners
So, I made the dumb mistake of giving a dispensary something on consignment. They said I could pick up partial payment of what had sold so far at any point. But when I tried to, they kept putting me off. When it became clear that they were not going to pay me (or at least were going to make it a huge pain in the ass) I went in and took back what was left of my stuff. At that point they had sold about half of what I initially left with them. Now, almost two months later, I haven't seen a cent from them.

Is there anything I can do? Can I threaten to take some action if they don't pay?

And, before anyone gets on me for being greedy... I have a small grow (I'm legal and have a legitimate medical need myself), I don't have that much extra to sell to a dispensary, I work my ass off on my other jobs, and I'm still barely scraping by. It's not like I'm living some life of luxury here - I'm constantly looking at having utilities shut off. This guy already sold the stuff, and I'd bet that the half of the money that was supposed to go to me to help with my expenses went right into his pocket.
You really cant do anything legal like sue in court without having a written contract.

You can legally stand outside the dispensary and tell everyone that goes in about their poor business habits.

Word of mouth can be quite damaging