what can this be?


Well-Known Member
Just so you know everyone is busting your balls because one leaf can't really tell the story. A full picture of the plant and a description of your set up would be more ideal. Also it is more than likely that your problem is covered in a sticky.


You guys are funny. I post a pic of my grow asking the something a week ago and all anyone would talk about is why I took a pic with the lights off. Its ok just to say I don't know. I rulled ph out , I watched my phone extra close this last week. No worries grows going pretty good other wise. Thanks


Well-Known Member
sorry a week ago i did not see your post.

today you ask for specific information and only provide the barest of any type of information.

then you want to lol at us?




Lmao. Now that was funny. I needed a laugh . Now I need to go to the gym. How bout something to motivate me .

I wasn't laughing at you. It wasn't sarcasm either. Relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Wtf... lol you actually helped. I wasn't being a dick. I said thanks.
And it's hard to hold a yard stick up to my dick. So no I didn't.