I use my family because they are an excellent example of people who benefit greatly from the current system.
You just want to get high, and to hell with those who NEED their meds.
VG, in another thread you said you valued the opinion of retired Judge James Gray. As you know, Jim Gray supports P19. Here is a cut/paste from his blog
"Regarding the cities not being able to set up their own systems, that really is a non-issue they do it all of the time.
And besides, one of the beauties of Proposition 19 is that it will still be illegal to sell marijuana within a city's borders (except under Proposition 215 for medical marijuana) unless that particular city expressly opts into the program. In reality what will happen is that the cities will learn from each other. So if one city tries something that is successful, others will tend to use that system, and the opposite is also true."