What causes women to become so emotional whhen having their period?

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Well, Im in my 30s... Ive been with lots of women. I notice they all seem to act differently before their period. Some will be almost fine. Some get headaches and cramps... some just get moody and cranky... the one Im with know tho becomes straight up insane! She becomes super, super emotional and cries alot. When I say that I cant deal with stress, unnecesary drama and the emotional crying she gets way way worse...... Its driving me friggin crazy. I had to stay up and listen to her crying all night last night. Shes even upsetting my dog. She just cries about everything... I cant take it. Is there a women on here that can give me some advice? Like, what should I do. It seems like no matter what I tell her its the wrong answer... And Im super supportive and loving and nice, its just nothing seems to be good enough.. She is like obsessed with "our life together" and wants me to commit to marriage and let her move in with me and shit. WTF? but then after the period she becomes a nice girl again.... last night it was the old "how come you only tell me you love me after i say it?" question... which resulted in her crying all night and me taking a stick of xanax and going out to buy cigarretts which i quit a few days ago... I just cant take it.. I do love her and care about her.... but this is ridiculous.. I was completely stress-free before and had several women who I have been seeing for years.. I had the perfect life... now I feel like Im .......... shes scaring me lets put it that way. Should I run now? She is great with kids, animals, shes hot, kind hearted, smart nurse, she makes me good italian food and takes real good care of me but last few months before her period she becomes a crying monster and it stresses me out. :-?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
She's probably got PMDD...it's a more potent form of pms.Usually it's treated with Prozac.If she doesn't want to try Prozac, weed is good.And she should start taking evening primrose oil...they sell the pills at walmart.It takes a while, but you should see results by the next period...her period will be lighter, and the symptoms that accompany it will be lessened.Tell her to keep taking it, just like a daily vitamin. Birth control pills could also help.She's not doing it on purpose, man.Keep that in mind.Now, I also recommend a vibrator as well.Orgasm really helps premenstrual cramps.
Well, Im in my 30s... Ive been with lots of women. I notice they all seem to act differently before their period. Some will be almost fine. Some get headaches and cramps... some just get moody and cranky... the one Im with know tho becomes straight up insane! She becomes super, super emotional and cries alot. When I say that I cant deal with stress, unnecesary drama and the emotional crying she gets way way worse...... Its driving me friggin crazy. I had to stay up and listen to her crying all night last night. Shes even upsetting my dog. She just cries about everything... I cant take it. Is there a women on here that can give me some advice? Like, what should I do. It seems like no matter what I tell her its the wrong answer... And Im super supportive and loving and nice, its just nothing seems to be good enough.. She is like obsessed with "our life together" and wants me to commit to marriage and let her move in with me and shit. WTF? but then after the period she becomes a nice girl again.... last night it was the old "how come you only tell me you love me after i say it?" question... which resulted in her crying all night and me taking a stick of xanax and going out to buy cigarretts which i quit a few days ago... I just cant take it.. I do love her and care about her.... but this is ridiculous.. I was completely stress-free before and had several women who I have been seeing for years.. I had the perfect life... now I feel like Im .......... shes scaring me lets put it that way. Should I run now? She is great with kids, animals, shes hot, kind hearted, smart nurse, she makes me good italian food and takes real good care of me but last few months before her period she becomes a crying monster and it stresses me out. :-?

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Wow, thanks alot Stoney. You are by far the coolest girl on this site, possibly the coolest girl in the world. I will ask her to try the primrose oil. She is already on Prozac and Rittalin.... She also has orgasms daily with me and her rabbit vibrator thingy,.... and she loves smoking herb almost as much as I do.... Ill have her try the primrose oil. Thats exactly what I was wondering, if this is normal and if there was a natural remedy... cause i really do care about her a lot and maybe she will be the one but her constant pressuring me to make her my wife is scary for me... it seems to start before her period and then after shes fine and I do consider making her my wife.. its just the emotional pressure caused by the PMPD that turns me off.. But, I will hang in there cuz I love her... Thanks alot.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
On a side note could alcohol worsen the PMPD? Cause she loves drinking like 3-5 glasses of wine after work (I rarely ever drink) and i feel like that makes things way more dramatic.. Im just so not dramatic at all its over-whelming for me.... but, I feel the alchohol makes her more crazy... I told her Im not going to keep wine in my house anymore. But, I feel like a dick saying that but really, i cant deal with drunken women who are also suffering from PMPD, its like way too much..

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Oh, geez, quit, you're making me blush.Maybe get her an indica for the pms,and see if she can have her prozac upped just for the seven days before her period....if the primrose oil isn't strong enough for some reason, she may have to take birth control.
Wow, thanks alot Stoney. You are by far the coolest girl on this site, possibly the coolest girl in the world. I will ask her to try the primrose oil. She is already on Prozac and Rittalin.... She also has orgasms daily with me and her rabbit vibrator thingy,.... and she loves smoking herb almost as much as I do.... Ill have her try the primrose oil. Thats exactly what I was wondering, if this is normal and if there was a natural remedy... cause i really do care about her a lot and maybe she will be the one but her constant pressuring me to make her my wife is scary for me... it seems to start before her period and then after shes fine and I do consider making her my wife.. its just the emotional pressure caused by the PMPD that turns me off.. But, I will hang in there cuz I love her... Thanks alot.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Alcohol is a depressant.It's not good to do a lot with Prozac, anyway.3 to 5 glasses every night seems like a bit much, IMO.Tell her to try to lay off a while.Or get a non alcoholic wine and secretly try cutting her wine with it if she refuses.But look up PMDD on the web, see what they're doing for it.SOunds like she's pretty depressed anyway...alcohol only makes depression worse.I have it, I don't drink anymore.
On a side note could alcohol worsen the PMPD? Cause she loves drinking like 3-5 glasses of wine after work (I rarely ever drink) and i feel like that makes things way more dramatic.. Im just so not dramatic at all its over-whelming for me.... but, I feel the alchohol makes her more crazy... I told her Im not going to keep wine in my house anymore. But, I feel like a dick saying that but really, i cant deal with drunken women who are also suffering from PMPD, its like way too much..

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Thanks so much Stoney. Yeah, she does suffer from depression and was hospitalized when her best friend committed suicide a few years ago... But she has loved me from day 1 and I keep thinking of that Bob dylan song "if you find someone who gives you all of their love, take it to your heart dont let it stray.." and I know how big of a heart she has and I want to do everything i can to make her happy. Thanks again, you are the best!

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Well... its getting alittle better I guess.... although, I feel that she is a little too attacthed to me..(im thinking its just from her PMDD) like, last night we went to get some take-out tai food... I was gonna run in but she said she wanted to run in with me because she didnt want to waste time Not being with me... thats a little much for me ya know? she is really cool though I think once the PPMD is over things will go back to normal. She got the primrose oil so hopefully next time things wont be as bad... she just gets sooooo emotional... oh and she is on birth control i forgot to mention... well, hopefully it will get better with the primrose oil. I think she may still have a bit of depression. She talks about her dead friend constantly. And visits her grave constantly...


Well-Known Member
I am thinking she also might need a little counseling to help with some grief that she is having over her best friend committing suicide. I think she is feeling some guilt about it and it is manifesting itself in pmdd. She needs to quit the alcohol and needs different meds. She could have built up a tolerance. Get her to some counseling somewhere She really needs it. She really sounds co dependent too


Active Member
Short answer from married man=YAZ. tell her to try it. my wife takes it and wellbutrin and they have helped us tremendously. But everyone has different genetics & hormones so don't get ur hopes too high.

edit: i can't imagine being a woman, stomach cramps and blood literally flowing out of you every fucking month, and I complain about my life...

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Whats up Roach. Yeah, I agree.... I think all her problems stem from her best friends suicide... If I told you how she killed herself youd be shocked. very messy. So, I think she just cant get over it... like she wears a little necklace with her friends pic on it, visits her grave at least once a week... talks about her constantly...... I mean, personally, Ive had good friends kill themselves and have lost loads of friends to od's and car crashes.. but, you get over it and move on... she cant seem to move on. She just has a huge heart.. she cares about everyone. i Have to be there for her and be patient with her but I want her to get better, she has to move on. And Ive told her that alot(in nice ways).. and so has her family, she just cant


Active Member
like i said, different ppl, different hormones and coping mechanisms.
Ironically, my wife (25 y/o) just lost her father to cancer this past November. He only knew he had cancer for 1 month an 2 days! She will never get over that completely. It affects her a great deal, especially at work and when she goes back home... the Wellbutrin seems to have helped her detach a bit from the pre-occupation/obsession of it all, but although I wish I could make it better too, I just have to back off and let nature take it's course. We are all dying from birth, and anything can and does happen all the time. Patience and love are all you can offer her, she will have to come to terms with things in her own head and in her own time. Best of luck man, don't give up on her.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Thanks alot Roach and Outdo.... Im just gonna hang in there for her. We love each other. thanks for the kind words and helpful advice. peace


Active Member
Here's a saying, i don't know if i made it up or heard it somewhere, but it makes a lot of sense to me:

"If you're prepared for the worst, yet hoping for the best, you could end up pleasantly surprised"

But after-all i am a pessimist, so it may not mean the same thing to everyone.