What could b wrong?!?!? Help!!


New Member
Ok so this pretty much happend over night.. the temps stay between 72-80 there is no heat or fan blowing straight on them.. the little heater i have runs on a thermostat that is set at 75 so it might droo to 72-73 then runs to get it to 75 doesnt even come on when lights are on unless its really cold.. but the heat blows behind the fan an the fan blows it thru the room.. the fan is aimed between the lights an the canopy, i have a 400 watt mh in the middle a mars 700 on one side an a mars reflrctor on the other. The reflector is about 200 watts out the wall give or take.. the lights are between 16-18 inches away the mh is about 20. Plants were fine before lights went out an went back in after rheh came on an they looked loke this....



Well-Known Member
Post a side shot showing how far away the lights are. Also explain how youve been feeding them, whats going in, how often, at what ppm.


New Member
I have them on a water water feed schedule, they only get waterd when completly dry, the next watering which is gonna be today when lights come back on should be the one they get nuted on
Last nuting was dec 3rd, dec 10th water with plain water ph'd 6.5 , dec 15th plain ph'd water on the 16th i bought some organic neptunes harvest an foliar sprayed them it daid use an eighth of a cup / gallon an i only used a 3rd of what they reccomend, im usin grow better nutes, great white shark when called for an calmag an floralicious plus an armor si silica when called for.. ive never givin tjem more then half what thwy recommend an started off at a quarter an slowly started giving the. A little more i have 12 plants total an this is the only one like it.. gimme one sec an ill take a pic of lights


Well-Known Member
Bad reaction to the foilar feeding? Did you mix your spray at room temp or with cold water . . . Sometimes they don't mix well with cold water and you can get uneven results. If this is the only plant that showed signs of nutrient burn, this could possibly be your cause.


New Member
I dont know if its nute burn.. i only foliar sprayed them with the neptunes harvest an there isnt very much of anything in it really... it was a little on the colder side.. but not freezing so i dunno.. im just gonna go ahead an nute as planned today an see what happens.. it is pretty dry.. i didnt think it was that dry but maybe it got off schedule with the other ones an dryed up faster