what could cause this fainting feeling


New Member
me and my friend where tripping on a rc. yes i weighed and knew everything to know about it. but later in the night after falling asleep my friend woke up and he walked towards bathroom and he said he felt like he was about to faint and he collapsed?

what could cause this? really the only thing i can think of is maybe to much blood flowing in the brain something like that.

help? thanks :) hes ok overall


Well-Known Member
When my wife was pregnant her blood pressure was low, and that exact thing happened to her - she got up from laying down, got dizzy, and collapsed. Maybe the rc makes blood pressure lower, add a headrush from standing up, and there it is (?)


Well-Known Member
It prolly do to the head rush, after a day on stimulants I get amazing head rushes making me lose normal vision but have only passed out once.


New Member
30mg hahaha! Wont ever do that much!

But low blood pressure! Never thought of that brilliant. Could high blood pressure do that?


Active Member
yes i recently had a bout with high blood pressure. that gave me a strong feeling of fatigue, shortness of breath and when id get up id get a wicked head rush. magnesium vits are reported to help lower blood pressure.