What Could This Be?

My guess would be mg magnesium deficiency, but I definitely don't know for certain. Take a look at the 3 leafs on the right, they sorta look like the second set of leaves in one of your pictures.

They do look similar, the really strange thing (at least to me) is the the two sets of leaves show almost opposite yellowing patterns?? But seems apparent that it is for sure some kind of deficiency. I'll just have to wait and see how the food affects things. *Fingers crossed*


Well-Known Member
I still can't work out where this chart originally came from, been throught the web site you gave a link to but nothing, any more ideas where i might find the rest of the series?

Mort Fink

New Member
I still can't work out where this chart originally came from, been throught the web site you gave a link to but nothing, any more ideas where i might find the rest of the series?
Im not sure where that pic came from, I tried finding the rest. I guess you could join that forum and ask the guy who posted it. Here's a great link for MJ problems if you haven't seen this one yet.



Well-Known Member
Yer seen most of that, couple of pics i not seen but still the one you posted is the best, i will make a thread and see if anyone knows, it is a real clear chart, are all the 5 leaves from the same deficiency?

Mort Fink

New Member
Yer seen most of that, couple of pics i not seen but still the one you posted is the best, i will make a thread and see if anyone knows, it is a real clear chart, are all the 5 leaves from the same deficiency?
I believe the two leaves on the left are from another problem maybe spread out on the previous page we don't see. Again I think your best bet would be create an account on gardenscure.com and message the guy who originally posted the pic on that website.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I am having a very difficult time diagnosing one of my seedlings. It is on week old, and is starting to develop a very strange pale yellow coloring to the two lowest leaves. Then the next set of leaves have the exact reverse coloring of the lowest set. I have included a picture that clearly shows what I am refering to.

My set up is 3sqft and is lit by 2 45 watt CFL's (each 3000 Lumens) One is 2700k and one 4100k (I will be replacing these with a 250w HPS before flowering if all goes to plan) Growing medium is sterilized potting soil with pearlite, no added nutrients. Temp is steady at about 82 degrees humidity between 40-50% with a small fan for ventilation/ keeping the plants moving slightly. I was initially watering with filtered tap water that had PH about 6.2 based on my dropper test kit. Since noticing the yellowing I have switched to watering with PH balanced distilled water and put a solid flush through yesterday but as yet have seen no improvement. Should I be at all considering hitting her with a 25% dose of nutes? or is it definitely way too early to start feeding

The plant still looks very strong and is still growing at a noticeable rate, but I would like to rectify this situation sooner rather then later. I am hoping that someone out there might take a look at my plant and easily identify the most likely cause.

Also, I am aware I am going to need a good PH tester...are there any out there that you would recommend and will one tester test both soil and water?
When their that little I just throw them out and start over. But it still good to know what wrong so you don't do it again of course. There not much that could go wrong shouldn't of feed yet. You can use something like Lite worrier or rock wool with low ppm of about 200-250 Here's my ph meter it all you need!http://www.amazon.com/Oakton-pH-Tester-EcoTestr/dp/B004G8PWAU/ref=sr_1_1?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1306311837&sr=1-1
So upon further investigation, it appears my Soil PH is too high. Test kit showed it is around 7.5. Is there a way to lower that by half a point or so? and might it be a better idea just to transplant it into new soil in a 3-5 gallon pot and be done with it? Thoughts/suggestions?

BTW, this site is awesome!!!
Still Growing, but color not improving. Although it does look like the green veiny areas right at the base of the leaves might be starting to fill in/spead out a little which could be promising?photo.jpg
So upon further investigation, it appears my Soil PH is too high. Test kit showed it is around 7.5. Is there a way to lower that by half a point or so? and might it be a better idea just to transplant it into new soil in a 3-5 gallon pot and be done with it? Thoughts/suggestions?

BTW, this site is awesome!!!
7.5 shouldn't be too high, maybe the reason but is your pH tester that accurate.
I am using one of those PH test kits you buy at the nursery...Im told they are pretty accurate. I was under the impression that 6.8 ish is more like what I should be looking for (am I right?)


Well-Known Member
As i understand it 7.5 is still in the area of acceptability for growing weed but i would definatly say 6.8 is best or a lot better.

As for the plant i would say it is getting a slight bit better, recap us on what you have done up to this point from when you first posted?

The tiny leaves growing on top or the newest leaves look quite promising but the plant still looks like it is sucking those bottom leaves dry. Tricky on what i would do if it was me, looks like it is stabalising a little. There are a lot of options depending on what you have done and wether it is near the point where it needs watering! Please get back to us as the more info we have at this point the better. This pic looks better than the first one, not by much but better.

I wish i could just name its problem, sure dose look striking but with the bottom leaves dying from the middle in it sure looks weird. So many variables, distilled water, sterilised soil. Don't panic at this point and do somthing rash like transplant it, it could still be a little small to transplant from that pot or maybe you should considor new soil possibilities. All in all i think if it goes ok this plant might just make it, although a little stunted at first, nothing you could't tidy up later. I think you got a challenge on your hands but think it could be fun.


Well-Known Member
That plant problem guide dose not help really, i could look at tons of them and still not work it out. It could be pH, could be nutes, could be cal/mag, i just don't want to say till i have heard more. Getting the pH to 6.8 sounds good but only if it gives minimun shock to the plant otherwise i would bring the pH down slowly. I want to hear what he has done so far since the first pic first.
As i understand it 7.5 is still in the area of acceptability for growing weed but i would definatly say 6.8 is best or a lot better.

As for the plant i would say it is getting a slight bit better, recap us on what you have done up to this point from when you first posted?

The tiny leaves growing on top or the newest leaves look quite promising but the plant still looks like it is sucking those bottom leaves dry. Tricky on what i would do if it was me, looks like it is stabalising a little. There are a lot of options depending on what you have done and wether it is near the point where it needs watering! Please get back to us as the more info we have at this point the better. This pic looks better than the first one, not by much but better.

I wish i could just name its problem, sure dose look striking but with the bottom leaves dying from the middle in it sure looks weird. So many variables, distilled water, sterilised soil. Don't panic at this point and do somthing rash like transplant it, it could still be a little small to transplant from that pot or maybe you should considor new soil possibilities. All in all i think if it goes ok this plant might just make it, although a little stunted at first, nothing you could't tidy up later. I think you got a challenge on your hands but think it could be fun.
Since I first posted and settled on micronutrient deficiency as the most likely cause, I have given one good feeding. Unfortunately I did not fully flush the soil with just water before feeding which in hindsight might have been smart. I just made up a roughly 25% strength batch of Miracle Grow 24-8-16 (see pic) and ran it through til the soil was fully soaked. Have tried not to do too much else...I dont want to make it worse by getting too hasty.
As I mentioned earlier I got the soil PH tester to rule out that as a possible cause, and I'm still not sure how to proceed with that information? I'm also moving back to tap water. My tap water is pretty good PH around 6.6, PPM<100. My distilled water actually PH's to 7.5, PPM around 0. Think its any coincidence that the soil also PH's to 7.5?

However, this whole problem did start while still using filtered tap water in the beginning so not sure what effect the water change will have.

I also thought my box could use some tweeking so I made some adjustments to my hood and fan set-up and added Mylar to the walls (to replace the foil I did have which I now know was a bad idea) In an effort to lower the temp and reduce any wasted light. My constant temp has now dropped to around 76-78.

I do have Lime, new potting soil, a few kinds of nutes...just not sure if and what I should be doing right now. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Thanks again for all the help.

