What deficiancy do you think this is?? Pic included.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I called Dyan-Grow and the guy there was very helpful. He confirmed that the white powder was precipitation out of solution. (white slippery powder) He also said to add the pro-tekt first, before anything else and use 5 mils gal of Mag-pro.
So I mixed new rez's to .95 EC, mostly mag-pro.
The mix now, in order is.
2.5 mil pro-tekt
5 mil mag-pro
1 mil dyna-grow
3 mil dyna-bloom.

Anyone see anything wrong with this?

Swap th numbers for proteck and mag pro, prob a typo


Ursus marijanus
Is Pro-Tekt silicate? I always add silica last and with much stirring. i've had a flocculent precipitate that took DAYS to redissolve if i didn't absolutely whirlpool the nutrient soup. cn


Well-Known Member
Is Pro-Tekt silicate? I always add silica last and with much stirring. i've had a flocculent precipitate that took DAYS to redissolve if i didn't absolutely whirlpool the nutrient soup. cn
The proteck comes at a Ph of 9 or 10, and if added last causes an instant cloud of precipitate.


Well-Known Member
The guy at Dyna Grow said to do this for a week and resume normal feeding at about .8 EC.

I believe, and so does Dyna Grow that nutes were precipitating out of solution this causing an imbalance. I could be wrong though.

So, to sum it up, round 1 is about 10 days out and the don't look to good.. round 2 is 30 days in and are showing the early symptoms of what round 1 looked like at 30 days, and round 3 will be coming out of the cloning trays tomorrow.

I'll post pics of all of this tomorrow right before lights on, if nothing else you all can see the progression from round 1 and 2.



Well-Known Member
Here we are again, my fine feathered friends. Time for an update.

Well first of all the clones that went under the new aquarium lights, didn't like that at all. About 1/4 of them just bent over for a day, but are recovering today. So I raised the lights. To me they don't look as bright as the standard bulbs, but to the plants it seems to be very bright. Hmmmm!!

Well round 1 is going to be a disappointment. If I get 4 ozs. I'll be lucky, but they are not getting any worse!!! I guess that means there is that much less to trim.:-P

Now for the good part. It looks like round 2 is greening right up. So I will be watching them very closely. They are at day 23 today. In a few days I will do a top down flush as HB suggested and go change the nutes to 1 part grow, 3 parts bloom and 3 parts cal-mag to bring my EC to 1.0 or less and probably 4 parts pro-tekt to bring the ph to 5.9. What do you all think?

Now it's picture time. Please leave comments or suggestions.

First is fresh veg. Second and 3rd are round 1 and the last 3 are round 2.


Thanks and have a happy smiley day.