
Well-Known Member
Good question idk but temps been hotter than not hot which is 75-82 on average humidity has been kinda low ranging 25-16 RH sorry for the late response idk y I don't get my notifications out the blue but what y'all think it is??


Well-Known Member
Not to mention my fucking thermometer just broke yesterday I'm stressed out just like my plant I'm a new grower this is my 3rd grow 2nd photoperiod grow I just got more beanz in Nd I wanna tweak all of em at the same time I read a 420mag article on revenging anyone on here ever done this?


Well-Known Member
Fuck it I'm botta start a sneaky veg room why didn't anyone tell me growing would be so so addictive huh????? If my girl find my grow room she might kill my plant I'm scared lol we in a ranch with no basement I got 23 watt CFLs and WOS Pakistan valley two bomb the(purp) and Jack harer but heard thats a difficult situation


Well-Known Member
My PM has definitely slowed down I used baking soda and dish soap and water easily slowed it down thanks again for the help I appreciate it cuz it got so horrible my plant probably would've died here's a few pictures of the aftermath some leaves are partially fucked up should I clip em anyway even though I only have so many?


Well-Known Member
They are growing up now day 36 can't wait for the next grow so I can do shit better I'm learning more and more I'm addicted

