What deficiency do these UC DWC girls have?


Well-Known Member
Yeah old growth will green up since the tissue isn't damaged. The things leaves won't recover from is necrotic tissue, or retarded growth (they stay retarded). In the case of retarded growth, once a hypothetical problem is fixed, young leaves would grow in larger than old.


Added a good amount of AquaShield, rez seemed to respond well, smells really clean now. Will old growth start greening up with the changes or will all positive changes only be seen in new growth? One love.


Well-Known Member
Yeah old growth will green up since the tissue isn't damaged. The things leaves won't recover from is necrotic tissue, or retarded growth (they stay retarded). In the case of retarded growth, once a hypothetical problem is fixed, young leaves would grow in larger than old.
Does the old growth begin greening up by kind of mottling darker green across light deficiency areas?


Well-Known Member
Yeah old growth will green up since the tissue isn't damaged. The things leaves won't recover from is necrotic tissue, or retarded growth (they stay retarded). In the case of retarded growth, once a hypothetical problem is fixed, young leaves would grow in larger than old.
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Well-Known Member
Well good news, the ladies popped back up over night, they are greening up and new growth seems to be occurring. Thanks to all you folks who took the time out of your day to help a new guy on the road to self sustainability. One love my peoples, I will keep the updates rolling in until they are nice rich green bushy babes. Then a grow log will commence, peace out!


Well-Known Member
It should green right up as soon as your roots start feeling better.
Aloha all, sorry for the hiatus, so plants turned around but the problem I seem to be having is that the middle two buckets in the system are causing the plants to wilt while the outside plants are just going off. Any thought, solutions, comments? Ill post some pics soon. Any ideas Dunbar?
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Well-Known Member
Big and happy mostly white with a few darker patches. Woke up this morning and the girls are still looking nice.