What deficiency do you think this is?

I grow in perlite hempy buckets,I have hard water .I use a bit of cal mag 1/2 tsp per gallon.I use Samsung strips and feed Dr.Earth nutes I have not learned to post pics,I grow for me and my family only.Keeping things simple is what I believe in,nature knows what's best.
That is the best statement I’ve heard all day, you are 100% correct, nature does know best. Do you top your plants? Or do you let them grow naturally? Do you LST? Have you ever made your own super soil’s?
I have never tried to run anyone off except for the ones that are wrongly feed bad info to newcomers.There is too much bad info coming out that needs to be stopped.Any talk of TMV makes me angry,most talk of leaf septoria is wrong.Sending people chasing things that don't exist.Take it simple!
I tie my girls down and stopped topping years ago.I like fewer ,nicer buds that come from an untopped plant.I switched to organic hempy when soil got boring.I was told it wouldn't work so I had to try it.
We just got off to a bad start,growing is good for us.I smoke to help with the pain of having 2 mangled hands from accidents.
As it stands right now, they make me very happy. They look great to me, in my opinion. I just hope they keep healthy. They are Cinderella XX , female Cinderella 99’s from brothers Grimm. This is my first Kent grow , as my garage is too cold and I was getting powdery mildew so I stopped growing in the basement period I am trying to go organic as my wife and I are all organic, 12 raised garden beds in the backyard. 3 feet to 4 feet wide 20 feet long. I just don’t have the know-how four organic cannabis yet
Soil is easy,I had very good luck.The Dr.Earth in the black bag was the best.But promix is good too,add compost and perlite.I always feed lightly and watch for trouble,good water is key to a good grow.I prefer tap,but
I live in the sticks with a well.
I have well water myself, pH is really high, 7.5. even after mixing nutrients I have to lower pH. I will definitely try the dr earth. Thank you, and my apologies for the ass.
No ,they look like shit.You kill your yield with all the rape you perform on your plants.Like I said,to each his own.No matter how faulted it is,they are your plants to fuck up as you see fit.
Go grow your popcorn... Real Grower at work...


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I grow in perlite hempy buckets,I have hard water .I use a bit of cal mag 1/2 tsp per gallon.I use Samsung strips and feed Dr.Earth nutes I have not learned to post pics,I grow for me and my family only.Keeping things simple is what I believe in,nature knows what's best.
Your another toad stuck on "BRO SCIENCE." Been growing circles around your kind for YEARS.
This one above is part of the problem,if you get my drift.Like I said to each his own.Quit wasting other peoples time.
How do you expect to get anyone to believe you when this is how you act?Grow up,move out of mommy's basement.