What deficiency...?

Not giving any food yet made some banana tea but haven't used yet and it's kinda just all over top and bottom of plant.

Well what had happened here is that my girl got pissed at me and poured and alc drink on it and really did some damage killed my other 2 plants I had. So I cleaned plant off best I could and flushed it outta the soil best I could I'm surprised the plant still alive iv had to cut several branches off. But every day seems like those leaves keep popping up. I feel like it's just poisoned and it just is what it is.i didn't have too much hope for it since the other 2 died so I just switched it to flower and gonna see what happens
Idk what those guys are talking about. She sounds bat shit crazy so I'm sure she's smoking hot... But in all seriousness if you quickly rinsed the roots and repotted in new soil I would have thought you would be getting go new growth in a few days.

So you flipped it, looking like... that? U may as well marry the chick and just buy some weed
Not giving any food yet made some banana tea but haven't used yet and it's kinda just all over top and bottom of plant.

Well what had happened here is that my girl got pissed at me and poured and alc drink on it and really did some damage killed my other 2 plants I had. So I cleaned plant off best I could and flushed it outta the soil best I could I'm surprised the plant still alive iv had to cut several branches off. But every day seems like those leaves keep popping up. I feel like it's just poisoned and it just is what it is.i didn't have too much hope for it since the other 2 died so I just switched it to flower and gonna see what happens
i hope you ditched the bitch, never mess with a mans guitar or cannabis plant lol
Not giving any food yet made some banana tea but haven't used yet and it's kinda just all over top and bottom of plant.

Well what had happened here is that my girl got pissed at me and poured and alc drink on it and really did some damage killed my other 2 plants I had. So I cleaned plant off best I could and flushed it outta the soil best I could I'm surprised the plant still alive iv had to cut several branches off. But every day seems like those leaves keep popping up. I feel like it's just poisoned and it just is what it is.i didn't have too much hope for it since the other 2 died so I just switched it to flower and gonna see what happens
should anything like that happen again, speed is of the essance, wash all soil of roots and repot in fresh soil, then recovery rate shouldn't be too long
Is it not enough light photons to keep green maybe....or too much standing water in to root zone meaning not enough air getting to the roots ,making it toxicity,not deficiecy.
Plenty of light I didn't totally flush soil etc. It was only a 99cent shooter so it wasn't a bunch of it but still.
I'm with budz..

needs food, not saying it didn't happen but the plant just looks hungry, not poisoned or w/e..

Whats your grow medium? based on the limited pictures it looks like it's been growing for a while, you have not fed it ever?