What Deficiency?!


New Member
then filter your tap water through a brita (charcoal filter) becuase while you test your solution at 6.5, when its sitting in the soil it will most likely rebound back up to over 7


New Member
Did the temperature drop much? Did you feed it anything new or change nutes before problem started? Is the plant in veg or flowering?

Reason mon ask is becuse mon has seen leaves do that when the temps get down low however mon has seen it happen while a plant was in flower and nutes were changed, it happen fast while leafs where turning purple so was hairs glowing hot pink.......mon never figured it out but backed off with the new stuff and hairs went back to white after a week or so....mon didn't like it, mon thought maybe dyes in new nutes.
do you always talk like a retard?? how old are you 15?

The leaf doesn't look damaged by the deficiency (if there is one)
Maybe it's just turning purple?
Or maybe you should stop trying to give out advice since you clearly dont know anything.


New Member
yeah man..shes dying off, and she shouldnt be yet.

fix the soil with a flushing, then ler her dry out good. add filtered, phd water with bloom nutes.

flush with 1/4-1/2 the size of the container.

good luck, shell turn out good if you take care of her


New Member
that seems overkill..maybe if you have a ton of chemical nutes built up..we just want a light flush just really to clear out the tapwater and the high ph. we also want the soil to dry out in this lifetime :p

just get it to drain some water out the bottem..whatever it takes.


Well-Known Member
flsuh everything out and start fresh.i might agree if the probs werent that bad but it looks to be multiple probs. you crop is depending on you!


New Member
true..good advice. start with a flush the size of the container..then if you feel the need for more, do 1/2 more the size of conatiner.
