What defiency do I have with my clones?


Active Member
Day 58 clones in a aeroponic sprayer system- pH 6.0, 335 ppm with AN Sensi A+B and a little Botincare Cal-Mag. What do these leaf spots look like? I've been vegetating these clones slowly because my flowering tent will not be available for another 4-5 weeks while I am flowering another crop. Thanks, guys.


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Your in a hydro application. A flush will do nothing to help! Dump the res and refill with nutes at 1/2 strength......Hmm, do you dump the res often?
If your not dumping and refilling on a regular basis.....That's the real problem here!
Start with the dump and refill as above. When you have new growth that's green and healthy then dump and refill with full strength nutes. As the level in the res drops, refill with 30% nutes (make 1 gallon of full strength and mix with 2 gallons of strait pHed water) to the full level. Keep adding back like this UNTIL your TOTAL added back amount would equal the total amount that the res would normally hold. Dump and refill with 100% nutes and repeat the proccess.

That should fix you up!


335ppm would burn the plants? No experience with Hydro however. 50 something day old clones seems like they could take more...
Definitely heat stress in there with the side of leaves curling up like that.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Damn, didn't read that PPM.....is that going in? Or is that as it is?
But yeah,, what IS the canopy temps and how close IS the light source?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Ah, this one bugged me while I was somewhere else.
Vostok the Sith Lord is correct bottom line for the coloration/necrotization . That's text book nute burn on the upper growth. Low ppm's be damned. You got something going on besides the Heat/moisture stress of the cupping leaves!!!! Get the heat off the canopy as their fighting to transpire enough. That in turn maybe bringing up to many nutes to the top of the plant causing your burn problem.

To explain that I would say this. The cupping of the leaves is technically moisture stress. This problem is that their not getting enough to transpire correctly. It looks like that maybe caused by to high a heat at the canopy level. This could be coupled with a low hanging light giving off to much heat at the canopy level also. When this happens the plant try's to transpire faster to lower it's temps at the problem area. This in turn brings up nutrients at an increased rate to the effected level. What happens next is the nute burn we're seeing in that area!!!!!

So,,,,cool down the canopy level and maybe raise the light a tad to help that and follow the refill suggestion and that should cure the problem.....


Active Member
Thanks for all your input! I think what I have here is my 300W Advanced Platinum LED is too close to my plants. It is a smaller clone/vegging 18" x 30" x 48" tent and my clones have been shooting up 3" to 5-6" from the LED light! Upon closer inspection it is my upper leaves that are cupping and showing stress. I have to put in a scrog screen tomorrow and only use the vegging switch to retard the grow height as I still have to wait 4-5 weeks for my flowering tent to harvest.