What did i do wrong? 6 day old seedling burnt.. (Pictures)


New Member
The plants seem to be thriving in Coco/Perlite after the transplant. The new growth has been healthy and really fast, they hit the ground running with no apparent shock at all.... So far so good.

They're getting 20-20-20 soluble fert and a mild seaweed feeding every 2-3 days. Currently under 2 CFLs but from tomorrow they'll get light from 4 of them. In my den at the moment, since their wooden cupboard is under construction.

Here they are:

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Well-Known Member
20-20-20 Im assuming its miracle grow, is really strong. Be careful with that use like a 1/4 of the recommended dose.


New Member
It's Vitax brand soluble. I water it down to close to 1/4 strength but since the dosage amount for these three is so miniscule, it's hard for me to get the dosage down to the exact gram.


Well-Known Member
Grab a ppm meter and check the ppms when you feed. They are cheap enough, I got one for like 10 bucks on amazon.


New Member
The girls seem to have bounced back. Bent one of the stems a little too hard and it has since gone limp. That did t turn out to be too bad a thing since the lower nodes have done well in the 2days since the damage.... Is it even damage?
2013-11-13 02.34.40.jpg

ppm 450 solution
ppm 1100 runoff

PH 4.4 solution
PH 4.7 runoff
Water PH 7.2

I nee to bring up the ph of my solution I guess.. Suggestions would be appreciated on DIY

Have an agent sourcing me Canna a+b, Cannazym, Rhizotonic, pk13/14 (if in stock) and ph adjusters, but It still is another 2 weeks before I get them. What's the general consensus on this brand's range?

Here they be, week 5/6



Well-Known Member
Whats the ph of the soil if the runoff is that low?? You can bring your PH up with Dolomite or Agricultural Lime just top dress it and work it into the top soil and then water it. It will take a little while to stabilize the PH but once its stabilized it usually stays like that. I use 2 tbsp per gallon of soil. Bring your soil ph to about 6.5-6.8. Good luck


New Member
I think it's the solution with the soluble nutes I'm using and a bit of seaweed extract that's bringing the PH down from 7.2. The runoff as you can see is slightly higher than the 4.2 I'm getting after mixing the nutes in the water according to my reading.

Dolomite lime is being a pain to come across here… I've spoken to some water specialist here who suggested i use 'sulphonic' acid for reducing PH, and Pyraphoric to up it. (Im probably way off on these names). Getting some samples soon so till i get my PH Up/Down i'll run a test n see how these work on my water.



Well-Known Member
Don't worry about run off just make sure the nute solution going in is in the correct ph. A ph of 4.4 going in is really acidic, for coco you want 6-6.5. It seems your nutes are bringing the ph down too low, most people have alkaline water so some nutes are blended with a ph down, this might be what's happening. However I've not run into any nutes that will drop the ph a full 3 points. Most only lower ph 1-1.5 down.


New Member
Thanks Galvatron.
I think i'll check the readings again. If PH dropping so drastically is usually not the case, and it's happening, then there must be one problem with my readings. Shall check on next watering and get back to you guys.