What did I smoke?


Well-Known Member
Hello! Novice smoker here :weed:

Just some quick backstory, I lived in rural areas most of my life and have only ever smoked mexican brick weed. Anyway, its been years since I smoked and a friend of my wife recently showed up with some pot she grew out in California. She gave us one joint. One joint, maybe two inches long and skinny enough to fit in a straw.

Thinking it'd be fine to take a risk and smoke it up with my wife for the first time, we took that one joint and retired to the living room! The smell wasnt that intense when we lit up, and the smoke wasnt overly harsh. The first pull had me coughing, but after that I was fine - same for the wife. After about three small puffs the wife decided she was done, and handed it to me. Still had around half a joint so I kept going till it was done.

Didnt notice much at first, but then it hit me real hard. Got the spins real bad, kinda like when you drink too much and stand up real quick. Fought through that for about five minutes, and then it got enjoyable. Started out by having time lapses, and I wasn't able to pay attention for shit. We were watching a movie, and while I can remember jumping back to it at least five or six separate times actively *trying* to watch it, I couldnt tell you what it was for the life of me.

Had a small episode of the giggles, and then I kind of randomly remember saying some really goofy stuff that I normally wouldnt be creative/stupid enough to say. One example - wife broke a glass earlier in the day in the dish washer. She later, while high, went to get a glass and found a piece broken in the bottom. We laughed, and joked about it being an organized assault by the lower tier of our dish washer. This was complete with descriptions of the different commanding glasses, and a joking conversation of what they planned to do with the house once we were dealt with.

Basically I dealt with time lapses, incredible difficulty concentrating, no short term memory whatsoever, and laughter. Was a great time!

Based on this, can anyone tell me what I smoked? Does that sound like a Sativa?

Thanks for taking the time!


Well-Known Member
Sounds almost like salvia...... most growers would share the strain name/info with you. Since she appeared not to- you should be leary.


Staff member
she most likely didnt know what it was.

i come from butt fuck no where canada when i did buy weed people would be like
"its dro yo"
and id say "oh yeah whats dro"
"its the type of weed yo"

meanwhile we all know dro is how its grown hydro.

people never knew shit. they would often call it kush for the sake of upping their prices.

doesnt make anyone have to be "leary" of it. its just they dont know


Well-Known Member
Novice smoker here.
  • I dealt with time lapses, incredible difficulty concentrating, no short term memory whatsoever, and laughter. Was a great time!​

Based on this, can anyone tell me what I smoked? Does that sound like a Sativa?
You just smoked some good weed and are unaccustomed to doing that.

Great sex with the wife should have ended the evening. If not dial it back a bit. Laughing about broken glass in the diswasher is nice, but not as good as sex.


Well-Known Member
Great sex with the wife should have ended the evening. If not dial it back a bit. Laughing about broken glass in the diswasher is nice, but not as good as sex.
We got the best of both worlds that night xD a great way to spend Christmas Eve.

Thanks for the replies everyone, wouldnt mind repeating that night every once in a while! Been trying hard to get some seeds, and luckily most of what I ordered were Sativas - the hard parts just getting them to my house! Chicago doesnt like Attitude, it would seem.

Hope you all had a good Christmas, and continue on with a great new year.


Well-Known Member
Sounds almost like salvia...... most growers would share the strain name/info with you. Since she appeared not to- you should be leary.
Didnt see the edit - Funny enough, wife said she acted like a kid who has a cute secret when she pulled out the joint and handed it over :shock: this was the first time she shared any weed with us though, so that may have been it. I trust her, shes an older woman and a successful business owner over in California. Wife worked with her for a few years here in Texas before they opened a new shop out there.

On a side note, any good paying jobs out there that dont drug test?! Needs to find me one soon :hump: