What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Could have been worse than having to scrape burned cheese off the oven though.

We went through a mandatory evac years ago in AK - the last thing I did was nail down a couple of sprinklers to the roof of the house & turn them on as I was watching 100' tall flames blowing up spruce trees just a couple of hundred yards away.
We forgot the kids shoes we left so fast.
Some of the cheese burnt and stuck to the bottom. It could've been worse.


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Fire ain't anything to fuck around with do not wait for an evac notice if you think shit going henky gtfo.
We didn't know until the last minute that it went south + I was part of the response team (not home to help Momma) & trying to coordinate the fire response.
That shit moves so fast it creates it's own weather/wind & cannot be predicted.


Well-Known Member
So I helped a buddy trim a couple of lbs today and saw a few strange things. Advice is welcome!
1) This particular strain has relatively small stems & big dense buds. Because of this, many of them were slumped over so much, they were horizontal. So the light only hit one side of the bud, which made them two-tone. Top side was purple & bottom was green. Is this normal?
2) Trichomes were still mostly clear even though it was obviously time to chop. (buds were starting to pop bananas.)
Is it the strain or the environment? Anyone else seen this?
3) I noticed several droplets of what looked like sap. Light yellow & sticky. Kind of like pine tar but thinner.
This REALLY confuses me. Weed sap is a new concept for me. Most of it was on stems, but I did find a drop on one of the buds. WTF is going on??? Might be a good thing, might not. Dunno. What do you think? If it was outdoors, my first guess would be that it's somehow related to insect activity -- but this is indoors and completely insect free.
1. I seen some pictures of this , and read some articles . Something about lightning.... I think.

2. I have a sativa strain that does that too. Will go 12-14 weeks ,foxtail , pop nanners and not Amber up. Next time I run I'm going to decrease the light schedule twice a week until it gets to 10/14 . We'll see if it helps... IDK.


Well-Known Member
1030171641c.jpg Started on new shed. Got a couple guys just laid off to help tomorrow. Have to carry all the supplies by hand 250'.

Will look like existing block shed, but 12 x 20 instead of 10 x 12, and on a deck. Had to expand from original 12 x 16 plan. You never have enough storage space.

Hope to be done in a week or 2. Work around the weather, rain today again.


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Finally cleaned up the house after the party unfortunately my pop up pos gazebo was destroyed so I finally don't have to put that fucked up and down every year.. Pic from the mayhem
View attachment 4035466

Don't even recall taking this but its the only one I got haha
I could rock that skirt and what the fuck do you call those knee highs?