What did you accomplish today?

That's different. We are talking codeine cough syrup. Why anyone would want to trip off the stuff you got there is beyond me. The stuff you got is a dissociative.
I will elaborate. Long story short I ingested pcp unknowingly. Only an ass hole does that to someone. Anyways its a very surreal moment when you stand and stare in the mirror for 30 minutes wondering if you are alive or even real.

Tripping on dextromethorphan can have similar dissociative effects. I never wanted to find out.
It's not always that; I'd did it very infrequently, maybe 5-7 times over life. Anyway, it made for a very interesting 'change/difference of perception and perspective that I've occasionally noticed to be of value
The dissociant I used was Scopolamine and I would never do another after that horror show. Plus being around when Ketamine was used on kids for anesthesia made think they should be banned. I thought Sandoz LSD was of value but not the street variety.
True. Not my cup of tea. I guess some people don't like who they are.
I imagine that is why I find the dissociants so appealing. I never could handle the regular psychedelics. They work best on honest people. I lied about being an honest person for much of my life. The psychedelics were not amused, but ketamine I loved the stuff. It was like no you're good, come enjoy
I imagine that is why I find the dissociants so appealing. I never could handle the regular psychedelics. They work best on honest people. I lied about being an honest person for much of my life. The psychedelics were not amused, but ketamine I loved the stuff. It was like no you're good, come enjoy
Interesting. What do you mean your not an honest person? Honest as in not a liar or honest like morality or something? Not honest with yourself?