What did you accomplish today?

Up on our farm the neighbor put his cattle out next to our property and refused to fix his fences and the cattle would get out and come to our property. They tore a deer stand down and ruined a feeder.

I sent him a bill for it. He paid it but still refused to fix the fence. I offered to fix it if he bought the materials.

I as in my blind deer hunting with slugs. I had some low brass in my bag. His cattle crossed the fence again and ruined my chance at a deer. I shot the lead one in the ads with a low brass and ran them back home.

Got so bad we bought the materials and built a new fence.

Its more complicated. There were two fences. One ours and one theirs. They sold the lumber and when they cut the trees they let them fall on our fence.

Now I've spent about two grand redoing it. I'm wondering if its worth taking him or the logging company to small claims.
Send him a bill. If he doesn't pay it go to the court. I would. If you don't it just gets worse. BTW couldn't you have shot that cow and ate it?
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Found some (( Big cheesy smile))

I've got everything done for the day. I can't even believe I'm done TBH....Went to Winco and spent ALOT! and got 4 carts full of deliciousness.... paid all the ranch bills, got the groceries put away ....then paid my personal bills...went by the bank .... took both cars down and filled em up with gas ....and I have exactly 2 hours before I have to pick up lil Inda from school.

Nap time

Edit: and took care of two patients

K, nap time
LOL are you sure that's enough ginger?
I learned a lot of new stuff today about networks since school started today, but I also learned something about hydro that I hadn't read or heard anywhere before.

Who here has heard that if, when you change your reservoir your pH trends upward sharply for a few days, and then pH trends downward, you should change your reservoir more often?

I want to know if that logic has any merit, or if it's bull from you guys. :eyesmoke:
That looks really good Sunshine. I can't remember the last time I had some decent beef. Tri tip? Ima have to look that one up.
Tri-tip used to be an unknown, hence under utilized cut of beef. It was mostly used as stew/hamburger. Local areas in Calif knew it's potential and would grill it whole. 35 yr ago it was $0.39/ lb. My uncle owned a small grocery store near Yosemite; shortly after I bought my farm he called and was going to be near my area so he'd stop by. Typical Italian family talk: so how is it, what do you do for fun, what do you eat? I told him I grilled lots of TT, "really!?" He said he grinds it and lots of times his meat man would give it to him free on big orders. He brought a bout 8 when he showed up. We grilled up one and he was jacked. I said they made great sammies too. So from then on I never got another freebie, and he included TT sammies in the deli part of his store

Edit: forgot to say it's now typically $6.99/lb, around July 4th it goes down
Tri-tip used to be an unknown, hence under utilized cut of beef. It was mostly used as stew/hamburger. Local areas in Calif knew it's potential and would grill it whole. 35 yr ago it was $0.39/ lb. My uncle owned a small grocery store near Yosemite; shortly after I bought my farm he called and was going to be near my area so he'd stop by. Typical Italian family talk: so how is it, what do you do for fun, what do you eat? I told him I grilled lots of TT, "really!?" He said he grinds it and lots of times his meat man would give it to him free on big orders. He brought a bout 8 when he showed up. We grilled up one and he was jacked. I said they made great sammies too. So from then on I never got another freebie, and he included TT sammies in the deli part of his store

Edit: forgot to say it's now typically $6.99/lb, around July 4th it goes down

Obviously Tenderloin and Backstrap are my favorites, but Moose TT falls in line right after them.