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I love a nice piece of liver. Especially with fava beans and a nice chianti.
Well had a package sent to our street address, instead of the p.o. box by wife's work, so had to go over the mountain to our small town post office. Small town as in the only building left in the town is the post office on the side of the highway, and nearest house 1/4 mile away.
Always liked this spot. But don't go this way often. I always wondered how far those distant mountains are.
Crock meat is pretty meaty, it is pretty good as bbq steak too.
Ostrich is a bit fine textured for me to use as mince or meat, but it makes a very lean super hard dry biltong. It starts out like eating a rock :)
The gazelle or springbok as we call them are not too bad as venison. Bit dry and gamey for me, I was raised on duiker meat for venison, they taste much better as they are omnivorous