What did you accomplish today?

my house is too small for a washer/dryer, so i go to the laundromat every couple of weeks. yesterday was interesting, was a geriatric convention, about 50 old people doing laundry. half of them looked they should be on a country club golf course, and the other half looked like bikers who had barely survived to get old. and they all seemed to be getting along and chatting with each other like they were old friends. the only female under 75 was actually pretty hot, but she was watching her drier like it was a soap opera.....(i just remembered what she was making me think of, Arnold the pig on green acres....)
Don't remember if I mentioned it, but the woman who reversed into my car's husband came to pay me yesterday. That sounds weird.

Actually, I was just joking with my wife when I was explaining the ants were making a beeline for the water... Why not a fucking antline? how many times have you seen bees walk in a line...

So, now I just need to order it on Monday.... It already had a nasty mark in from the day I rented a trailer and tried to figure out reversing with it on my own.
Went into town to buy shit to grow stuff in, got disinterested halfway through the process, came home with 8 S-hooks.

Oh well it was an hour or so out of the house.... I'll be good for another week without the general population.
I'm in the process of buying a new car. I find myself wanting to kill people. My husband actually patted me down for knives before we left the house. He found almost all of them.
Oooh those dicks who advertise the car in good condition, you come there and it is a neglected wreck that hasn't run in 6 years.
I look at about 8 cars before I buy one. You don't buy the car, you buy the previous owner... Broke arse can't afford to look after their stuff.
my house is too small for a washer/dryer, so i go to the laundromat every couple of weeks. yesterday was interesting, was a geriatric convention, about 50 old people doing laundry. half of them looked they should be on a country club golf course, and the other half looked like bikers who had barely survived to get old. and they all seemed to be getting along and chatting with each other like they were old friends. the only female under 75 was actually pretty hot, but she was watching her drier like it was a soap opera.....(i just remembered what she was making me think of, Arnold the pig on green acres....)

The laundromat is an exciting place around here, a mix of college kids, thugs, singles and weirdos. Nothing like grabbing a six pack and a couple of joints and heading down to the mat. Ya never know if you might hook up or get robbed, on a good night maybe both. And it pisses me off to be banging a hot Latino chic and have to stop and give change for a dollar.
This is the one I have had for about 4 years now - still going strong.
BTW, IMHO he's got it set too hot for his draw rate in the vid - there shouldn't be so much smoke on the exhale.
But that's just me.

It seems there are two schools of thought regarding how thick the vapor should be.
I you read reviews, some are popular like the 'Puff It', atmos & launch box, but they don't produce the thick vapor that I like. (I actually own all three. They are in a box somewhere.)
That's why I liked the PAX. Crank that sucker up and it'll make vapor so thick you'll cough your ass off -- which is what I prefer.
If the Silver Surfer is affordable, reliable, and makes thick vapor, it might be a good fit! :hump:
It seems there are two schools of thought regarding how thick the vapor should be.
I you read reviews, some are popular like the 'Puff It', atmos & launch box, but they don't produce the thick vapor that I like. (I actually own all three. They are in a box somewhere.)
That's why I liked the PAX. Crank that sucker up and it'll make vapor so thick you'll cough your ass off -- which is what I prefer.
If the Silver Surfer is affordable, reliable, and makes thick vapor, it might be a good fit! :hump:
Just out of curiosity, why do you like real thick clouds? I was stopped at an intersection a few days ago, 2 young guys are crossing, both had vapes and furiously puffing monster clouds so thick at times I could only see their feet. I mean puffing such that it was their primary activity. I'm thinking they are wasting the nicotine solution and it's not cheap
Just out of curiosity, why do you like real thick clouds? I was stopped at an intersection a few days ago, 2 young guys are crossing, both had vapes and furiously puffing monster clouds so thick at times I could only see their feet. I mean puffing such that it was their primary activity. I'm thinking they are wasting the nicotine solution and it's not cheap
I only vape cannabis, and I like it thick when I'm vaping flower. Waste isn't really a concern.
When I vape cannabis oil, I don't like it as thick because I'm usually trying to be discreet.
You mean thick as in turning temp. up?

At some point, it starts combusting instead of vaping doesn't it?
Not if it's computer controlled.
On the hottest setting, vaped weed out of the PAX was dark brown but not black. It worked best tightly packed.
I liked it so much, I may spend the money and buy another one. I was serious when I said I've got three cheap vapes in a box in the garage. They are soooo lame compared to the PAX...
Not if it's computer controlled.
On the hottest setting, vaped weed out of the PAX was dark brown but not black. It worked best tightly packed.
I liked it so much, I may spend the money and buy another one. I was serious when I said I've got three cheap vapes in a box in the garage. They are soooo lame compared to the PAX...

I've been using a Vapir 1 that fills bags lately. It gets pretty smoky if you turn up temp. Kinda chokes me at higher temps. so I run it around 300ish.
They got 150°C stamped on the bags, I guess it's a hint.
I've been using a Vapir 1 that fills bags lately. It gets pretty smoky if you turn up temp. Kinda chokes me at higher temps. so I run it around 300ish.
They got 150°C stamped on the bags, I guess it's a hint.
The computer has gotta check oven temp several times per second to keep the weed from burning -- and it takes real software to do that shit.
I think that's why some vapes are WAY more expensive than others.