What did you accomplish today?

two points.
first, be careful working with mahogany, the dust is toxic, i've made myself quite sick with it before i was informed of that fact.
second...leave them where they are, if you take away their forum, they'll be wandering all the fuck over the place, causing havoc.
There is actually evidince that many wood dusts could be carcenogenic, if memory serves, it was a combination of mechanical damage because of the dust and the particular contaminats or byproducts like tannins given off in the processing. I have a dust collection system and the wood was wiled down before assembly, this screws the texture but I did not want any contamination.

Edit, and good point, part of why I deleted before hitting send
I think some teenager got triggered. Good thing this isn't a school.

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I'm looking at a dingo right now. Although the full sized cats are much more fun, funds don't allow it and i honestly probably don't have a need for that much machine. View attachment 4100428
Nice. That would be perfect for backyard jobs. Looks like fun.
We could never keep a machine that clean, though.

@curious2garden A lift, you say? How high do you wanna go?
I rarely get to operate anymore. Kinda miss it.