What did you accomplish today?

I'm telling you, just find a neurologist willing to do a rhizotomy for you.
I have mine done under waking sedation. I'm out of the hospital like 2 hours later.

Burn the nerve roots? Tried that, the little bastards grew back.

Only "cure" left for me is to fuse L2-S1, which my neurosurgeon doesn't want to try since he's never done that before, and as long as I have one good leg and a set of crutches they can go to hell on that idea.

Being a stubborn old fart can be a good thing.

I had to end up getting the fusion :-(

I'd have to be in a hell of a bad state to buy a Ford...
Burn the nerve roots? Tried that, the little bastards grew back.

Only "cure" left for me is to fuse L2-S1, which my neurosurgeon doesn't want to try since he's never done that before, and as long as I have one good leg and a set of crutches they can go to hell on that idea.

Being a stubborn old fart can be a good thing.

I'd have to be in a hell of a bad state to buy a Ford...
Yeah, I have had it done 3 times now. The last one took quite well, haven't done one these last two years.
Still, it is a minor and quick inconvenience for month's of no pain from your legs.
Yeah, I have had it done 3 times now. The last one took quite well, haven't done one these last two years.
Still, it is a minor and quick inconvenience for month's of no pain from your legs.

Months? That didn't happen with me. Biggest problem was so many years with the UK "health service" where the only option was "take brufen and hope" so the damage was getting worse and worse because the waiting list for a non-essential MRI was 2 years, so I paid for one privately just to prove them wrong when they tried to say there was nothing wrong with my spine and it was all muscle pain, and I thoroughly enjoyed slapping that report on my doctor's desk and tearing her a new one. When I moved here much more treatment and investigation was done, that's when we found out L3 is dislocated and the arthritis was firing in. So thanks to the dislocation, being a fat git and pushing myself WAY too hard on the physical side of things at work there's now 2 disks pressing on the nerves, a third almost there, with the disk at L3-4 completely squished and, luckily, sticking out more to the left than just straight out backwards (unlike the one below it where the bulge couldn't be more centered if I measured it). Add in everything from L1 downwards being riddled with arthritis and enthesetis and, well, it's not pleasant and there ain't much they can do.

You get used to the pain, I've always had a pretty high tolerance to pain anyway. You adapt. Doesn't stop you having days when you do wish you could go to sleep and never waken up though
I'd have to be in a hell of a bad state to buy a Ford...
I was in a bad state ... couldnt stand, couldnt sit, couldnt lay down, couldnt walk - none of those for more a few minutes without pain. Was on 45mg of perc PLUS 500mg Soma-tab every 4 hours while getting cortizone shots and using a tens unit - all for a freaking YEAR before I gave in
I was in a bad state ... couldnt stand, couldnt sit, couldnt lay down, couldnt walk - none of those for more a few minutes without pain. Was on 45mg of perc PLUS 500mg Soma-tab every 4 hours while getting cortizone shots and using a tens unit - all for a freaking YEAR before I gave in

Yup, I'm rapidly heading towards the same, the pain is there 24/7 and only the intensity changes. Cortisone infusions are out because me and cortisone are not friends, can't use a TENS any more because the whole area is sensitized due to using a TENS so much in the past. Standing for any length of time is a no-no, can't sit for more than 20 mins at a time and even then that has to be in a specific position, and as far as walking goes, well, I can walk for miles, but on a good day I have to stop every 150 yards and old ladies complain that I'm too slow, on a bad day I need to use the crutches just to walk the few yards to the thunderbox at home.

You know it's bad when you hope you lose the ability to walk because you know you'd be more mobile and more useful in a wheelchair, but that's the hand life has dealt me so I just get on with it and refuse to let the bastard grind me down for I know where the pain comes from, why it's there and that it won't kill me so it can go and fuck itself because I'm the boss
Yup, I'm rapidly heading towards the same, the pain is there 24/7 and only the intensity changes. Cortisone infusions are out because me and cortisone are not friends, can't use a TENS any more because the whole area is sensitized due to using a TENS so much in the past. Standing for any length of time is a no-no, can't sit for more than 20 mins at a time and even then that has to be in a specific position, and as far as walking goes, well, I can walk for miles, but on a good day I have to stop every 150 yards and old ladies complain that I'm too slow, on a bad day I need to use the crutches just to walk the few yards to the thunderbox at home.

You know it's bad when you hope you lose the ability to walk because you know you'd be more mobile and more useful in a wheelchair, but that's the hand life has dealt me so I just get on with it and refuse to let the bastard grind me down for I know where the pain comes from, why it's there and that it won't kill me so it can go and fuck itself because I'm the boss
I can honestly say that I am way more mobile now, am pain free, and feel 100000x better than before. If you’re in the States, check out the Laser Spine Institute - they’ve come a LONG way ... wish I had checked into them first; smaller incision, less trauma, and vastly improved recovery time!
That is an easy repair.

Get a few tubes of superglue and some bicarb of soda.
Pour a little bicarb where you need to build up, then soak a drop of superglue on it.
Repeat until it is all build up. Now you can shape it with a file or sanding paper.
Not even mid day and I already broke something. Busted the little plastic thingy on this
View attachment 4107630
That was gonna go in here
View attachment 4107632
The little plastic thinggy is critical to adjusting the kiln shut off temperature. Looks lile bakelite, may have been the original from the 60's or so.


Gonna go for a walk.
What’s going to go in there?
What’s going to go in there?
No idea what @SSGrower may put in it.

It's no secret what @Gary Goodson would put in it.
That is an easy repair.

Get a few tubes of superglue and some bicarb of soda.
Pour a little bicarb where you need to build up, then soak a drop of superglue on it.
Repeat until it is all build up. Now you can shape it with a file or sanding paper.
If the repaired part sees any heat, I do not think that will work. I've done such repairs using sawdust plus super glue, and it is not a very strong repair at room temp and will come apart in hot water.

Bakelite can take a lot of heat, but super glue cannot. I'd try epoxy instead ... it'll take more heat.
Yeah I wasn't thinking of heat, I just saw the broken thingy...
Do try the bicarb though, my dad used to repair watch cases with them for poor farm laborers.
Even when the plastic broke out where the strap ins goes in, those repairs last. There is some weird chemical reaction between the bicarb and superglue.
It is also dry immediately.
Hey guys sorry to butt in i thought someone could help me out quicker here. It's my first time growing and i would like to know when to start feeding my plant with nutrients. It's been about a week since i have planted my seedling and now it has the first four leafs so do i start feeding it with nutrients and keep in mind i'm using a 20-20-20 fert because it's the only one available to me
Hey guys sorry to butt in i thought someone could help me out quicker here. It's my first time growing and i would like to know when to start feeding my plant with nutrients. It's been about a week since i have planted my seedling and now it has the first four leafs so do i start feeding it with nutrients and keep in mind i'm using a 20-20-20 fert because it's the only one available to me
1) Don't feed until the plant shows a need for food. Many many pics in the Newbie Growing Forum to help you recognize the signs.

2) Get a different fertilizer. That has way too much P and not enough K for young Cannabis plants. It'll kill your youngster as likely as feed it.
No idea what @SSGrower may put in it.

It's no secret what @Gary Goodson would put in it.
Wow that wasn’t what I was expecting. Ha ha Hee hee! More like Portugal’s ceramic Penis industry.no shame there, it’s a great respected family tradition passed down from generations . I made a series of 10 different shaped ceramic Penis designed as coat and hat hooks once.
Hey guys sorry to butt in i thought someone could help me out quicker here. It's my first time growing and i would like to know when to start feeding my plant with nutrients. It's been about a week since i have planted my seedling and now it has the first four leafs so do i start feeding it with nutrients and keep in mind i'm using a 20-20-20 fert because it's the only one available to me
Hey guys if someone could help me out it's my first time growing and i would like to know when to start feeding my plant with nutrients. It's been about a week since i have planted my seedling and now it has the first four leafs so do i start feeding it with nutrients and keep in mind i'm using a 20-20-20 fert because it's the only one available to me



Anyway I hope you get it sorted out.

Like the bear says up your nutrient game.
Took my wife to go see her mom, it is the old lady's birthday.
Got a cool toy for my daughter in a Kinder egg... I sent the cashier to go fetch me smokes, so I had enough time to shake all the eggs and find the heaviest one.

They just started selling the Kinder eggs again here in the US. They were banned for the longest time because parents are too stupid to pay attention to their kids.