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Do you know much about pear trees, here is my situation . Seven years ago I planted a barlett pear and I was told that it would self pollenate but it never produced any edible fruit. So I planted a moonglow this week. My question is did i make a good choice for a cross pollenater?

you have to go out with a brush and dab flowers all over your Bartlett if you want it to "self" pollinate
View attachment 4110179 View attachment 4110180 View attachment 4110182 View attachment 4110183 View attachment 4110185 View attachment 4110186 smoked 80 lbs of wings today. i cook em till they get to 150, then put em in the fridge and deep fry them when needed, gets them above 165.
next time i run wings i'm thinking about throwing a couple of pounds of salmon in there too.
just got a rick of nice hickory, dry enough to burn, still wet enough to make a lot of smoke
What ever you do do not let @Gary Goodson see this! nom nom nom
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See how many pizza rolls it takes to clog a toilet
Lil Inda flushed the little metal bar with the spring inside....that holds the toilet paper roll....it fit perfectly inside to royally fuck it up....my bathroom floor is really thick like my penis.....so it takes a special kinda wax ring......he knows better than to flush anything but bodily fluids,fire crackers,or contraband ....anything else and he knows il be pissed.
i wish, it's work, have a weird job for a weird boss, they own several things and i end up doing weird shit at all of them eventually. i'm supposed to be retired, but too much shit needs to be done and apparently i'm the only one able to do it. i don't feel that valuable, guess i just live in a place it's easy to out-compete some of the local species
Do you know much about pear trees, here is my situation . Seven years ago I planted a barlett pear and I was told that it would self pollenate but it never produced any edible fruit. So I planted a moonglow this week. My question is did i make a good choice for a cross pollenater?
I don't know a lot

you have to go out with a brush and dab flowers all over your Bartlett if you want it to "self" pollinate
But luckilly some pretty fuckin smart people peruse this thread.

not sure how longs it takes for seed to mature? 6 weeks? 8?
About that yeah.