What did you accomplish today?

Changed the oil on the winter beater tonight, the shit was like unsulfinated blackstrap molasses.

Also mounted my buddies stretched 35" truck tires with starter fluid and my 250 gal compressor. I don't know if it was all the air or all the starter fluid but we did it in an half full construction dumpster and holy fuck was that a good explosion! The best part was the dumpster was half full of old pianos thanks to the neighbor so it had a full cord twang to it that stuck around for a couple seconds after
I meant to take some pics today when I was there, this customer is a long term customer that I have done some truly amazing creative work for.

I usually don't take pics because some of my customers are so high profile that it is simply a matter of privacy, but this customer is cool with the pics.
How do you cure the wood?
Do uou let the bols air dry or you have a kiln for after milling?
How do you cure the wood?
Do uou let the bols air dry or you have a kiln for after milling?

Air dry , I wish I had a kiln , but I don't. If I get a chance to buy a semi trailer cheap I will convert it into a kiln.

The sawmill is a hobby business I have a regular 40+ hour job and I have a construction business that I run . I actually bought the mill as a big boy toy, and after I did most of the stuff I wanted to around the house I started cutting for other people. It's a lot of work and only barely pays for itself.
You should try sawing or machining orange tree wood. It smells EXACTLY like popcorn.
Been relaxing today, yesterday I scrubbed down the kitchen, walls to floors, and cupboards.
Took a drive to go exchange the shitty single density RAM I got last week for some double density. Now my game loads and plays like I have a new video card. And it was the first day of school, so only minimal babysitting.