What did you accomplish today?

We raise Jersey steers we get free from a dairy farm and I'm on 40 acres that I own, mix of woods and pasture with a pond.
And im guesing yalls land taxes arent anywere near as lax as ours. I believe In Illinois corn/soybean farmers dont pay taxes, in Texas if you have cattle, even if not yers, no taxes on land or even yer house if on that land. Even if your supposed to pay and owe taxes or debt, texas law states your land cant be taken from you, or your house, or even your old moldysneakers. "The people" Run shit here.
And im guesing yalls land taxes arent anywere near as lax as ours. I believe In Illinois corn/soybean farmers dont pay taxes, in Texas if you have cattle, even if not yers, no taxes on land or even yer house if on that land. Even if your supposed to pay and owe taxes or debt, texas law states your land cant be taken from you, or your house, or even your old moldysneakers. "The people" Run shit here.
So you can refuse to pay taxes in Texas and get away with it?

That is retarded.
My family lived between San Antonio and Corpus Christi before they moved up north here. My uncle recently sold the land because he didn't want to keep paying taxes on it after my grandfather passed. It's been a dream of my wife to move to Texas, she hates the cold up here but we're so settled in it'd be hard to see ourselves going through with it. Maybe after a couple more record breaking winters that won't be so hard to imagine.
Well since i was still learning my abcs, and how to tie my shoes, and believed in the toothe fairy. Nastiest porta potty shit hole city i ever saw, fuck its name and its spelling
You literally lived in a city for 7 years and never learned how to spell it?

I've met a lot of dumb people online, but you're special.
How long has it been since you got a good nights sleep?

Put down the meff pipe... (again)
Do that in the UK and you'll get a mouthful for trying to impose your religious beliefs on them, same as I once copped a mouthful because I dared to do something so polite as hold a door open for someone.

Thankfully people are considerably more polite over here in Vlaanderen.
i held a door open for a woman once, and she started to give me that shit. so i just shut the door in her face.....