What did you accomplish today?

neither meds nor diet does anything except make my cholesterol climb even more.
If I was fat I'd have something to show for it. But no, I have fat in my veins.

What's your liver function tests saying?

You see, only something like 5% of the cholesterol in the blood comes from food, the rest is from you and if your liver's dodgy then that's where the high cholesterol will come from, especially if it's something genetic.
Don't think I have had liver tests...
Yeah on my father's side you are lucky to survive your 50's before your heart takes a shit. He was 52 when his heart failed finally.
Don't think I have had liver tests...
Yeah on my father's side you are lucky to survive your 50's before your heart takes a shit. He was 52 when his heart failed finally.

Well, to use the words an Australian physiotherapist in London once said to me, "You're fucked, mate".

Won't do any harm to get a liver function test, just to be safe.
neither meds nor diet does anything except make my cholesterol climb even more.
If I was fat I'd have something to show for it. But no, I have fat in my veins.

Check out YT videos for fatty liver. I now drinking organic apple cider vinegar + baking soda 2-3xs a day also see liver cleanses
Nice. Good job.

I just took general psych, taking psychology for the workplace this summer.
Nice! I’ve done Intro, Developmental, now Abnormal, next Cognitive, and I did Fundamentals in 11th Grade, which was more comprehensive than Intro. I got thrown out of Cognitive Psych because I was asking questions and spouting off information about chapters 8 weeks down the road that I’m already well-versed in. She’s an associate professor with tenure, so she’s an egotist. She asked me to stay after class, we got into an argument (I tend to get impulsively loud and angry when I’m being reprimanded simply to soothe someone’s ego), she got scared and told me that the meeting was over and that I was to leave. I laughed and was like “You were the one who asked me to stay after class! What the hell is your problem?”
Nice! I’ve done Intro, Developmental, now Abnormal, next Cognitive, and I did Fundamentals in 11th Grade, which was more comprehensive than Intro. I got thrown out of Cognitive Psych because I was asking questions and spouting off information about chapters 8 weeks down the road that I’m already well-versed in. She’s an associate professor with tenure, so she’s an egotist. She asked me to stay after class, we got into an argument (I tend to get impulsively loud and angry when I’m being reprimanded simply to soothe someone’s ego), she got scared and told me that the meeting was over and that I was to leave. I laughed and was like “You were the one who asked me to stay after class! What the hell is your problem?”
I took all those..so fucking easy just let the teacher give you an A. I love how there are no 'wrong' answers in psych..unless the teacher disagrees. I wrote absolute nonsense and they would always be like what an interesting approach the brain is so magical and we know so little...a+ (I'm such a good teacher)
Lol. I think better on pot as well.

Stuck or stumped? Smoke a fatty and MacGyver the shit out of it.
I do not. It completely wipes all my short term, which is why I enjoy it. So I was in a class that required State Boards to get the license (doesn't matter I don't carry that license anymore). After the program ended I stopped smoking, upped my exercise and cleaned up my diet and since I tend to test extremely well I did not bother to study.

Come the morning of Boards we all carpooled. They were going over possible questions and solutions. It was at that point I realized I don't remember diddly squat of any of this shit and I freak! They handed me a joint and I rejected it (freaked I tell ya). Being true stoner friends they simply rolled up the windows (it was a nice summer day in LA), and hot boxed my ass.

We rolled in looking like this:

I passed and I stopped pot (for several reasons), but memory was a biggie.
I do not. It completely wipes all my short term, which is why I enjoy it. So I was in a class that required State Boards to get the license (doesn't matter I don't carry that license anymore). After the program ended I stopped smoking, upped my exercise and cleaned up my diet and since I tend to test extremely well I did not bother to study.

Come the morning of Boards we all carpooled. They were going over possible questions and solutions. It was at that point I realized I don't remember diddly squat of any of this shit and I freak! They handed me a joint and I rejected it (freaked I tell ya). Being true stoner friends they simply rolled up the windows (it was a nice summer day in LA), and hot boxed my ass.

We rolled in looking like this:

I passed and I stopped pot (for several reasons), but memory was a biggie.
It doesn't bother my memory too much. The little it does is negated by my anal tendencies to put things in the same spot.

When I was a young airman I was accused of a shitty repair on an aircraft. I had no way to prove otherwise. I started keeping a small notebook on me and recording all my repairs. It payed off. The next time I was accused I whipped out the notebook and told them I was on a different aircraft the day in question. Ever since I keep a notebook and take notes on things.
By nicked do you mean dented it or stolen it? Please disambiguate.


Or, simply, yesterday's blood test gave me an A1C level under 5.7, well and truly "normal" for non-diabetics, and that means I've gone from being diagnosed with Type 2 to not needing any diabetes medication in a mere 8 months.

Je suis heureux comme un cochon dans la merde
It doesn't bother my memory too much. The little it does is negated by my anal tendencies to put things in the same spot.

When I was a young airman I was accused of a shitty repair on an aircraft. I had no way to prove otherwise. I started keeping a small notebook on me and recording all my repairs. It payed off. The next time I was accused I whipped out the notebook and told them I was on a different aircraft the day in question. Ever since I keep a notebook and take notes on things.
I took copious notes unfortunately they don't allow those into boards and they are damn hard to sterilize and put on the back table during surgery. You just gotta know it or people get twitchy.