What did you accomplish today?

they say immediately writing down what you can recall of your dreams when you wake up can help you figure out whats causing you to have them. if you can figure out why you're having them, maybe you can resolve the issue
I had a dream book that told what dreams meant.

I can say from personal experience when you start writing down the dreams the more you remember.

It's a rabbit hole I care not to go down again.

After I bought my latest bladed auto-trimmer, it worked fine while I tested it out on my first two harvests. My Buds I did with it looked a little too perfect to be considered “hand-trimmed” by an experienced grower girl like me, and it was knocking off a little too much crystals with the trim for my tastes, but the dispensaries I was supplying were happy with them and that was the main thing. So I laid off all my trusty hand-trimmers. Turned out to be a BAD MOVE! After the first year was up and zee garantee was over, it started bucking and jamming even though I’d been doing my regular maintenance and cleanings after every harvest. Then, going into my second year with it, I had to start “servicing” it with replacement parts after a few breakdowns with mechanical issues. Now I’d be totally stranded if I didn’t have one of my old auto-trimmers that was still useable (but totally unsatisfactory with the end product to my eye) for a back-up cause I had to send the “new” fucker back for a total over-haul! Before I hire all my old hand-trimmers back does any of you dudes or dudets have a auto-trimming machine that actually works great, hasn’t been giving them any grief with breakdown bullshit and trims Bud close to hand-trimming? If you do, get back to me cause I sure could use the advice!
Paragraphs are great.
That does help some. :hug: Time is the hardest.

And FFDP just happens to be on several of her playlists. My son went in her room and found all her ipods. She had such an extensive love of music. But her cell had most of her current music and she had it on her, in her top jacket pocket. Our close friends recovered what they could from the wreckage and while we have it, its...well, you can imagine. There's nothing we (or US Celluar) could recover from it. :-(
But, I do listen to her playlist while running. I'll eventually make it up to 4mi again.

And I really am sorry for bringing the thread down but the truth is, there is only one death worse facing then your own and there is nothing I can do but ride it out.

You didn't bring the thread down, don't worry about the inconsequential shit. I don't think you ever recover from some things, you simply survive from day to day with some days better than others, reality sucks.

How's your puppy doing, he has to be getting big?
I had a dream book that told what dreams meant.

I can say from personal experience when you start writing down the dreams the more you remember.

It's a rabbit hole I care not to go down again.

I keep waking up lately with the feeling I was just thinking about something but I can't remember what it was. Like I was dreaming but just can't quite remember it.

AND, I've had a couple dreams over maybe 6 months that I remember. Both were more memories than dreams but they happened while sleeping so I guess it's a dream/memory?

I dreamed this but it also actually once happened. It was a family vacation scene with my mom and dad. We were on the beach, Virginia Beach, June 1962.

My dad is reading the local paper. My dad tells my mom, 'it says in the paper that Marilyn Monroe just lost 20 lbs. on a new diet'.

Mom answered, 'if she lost 20 lbs, she'd be dead'.

That's both a true story and a recent dream.

And Marilyn actually did die 5 weeks later.

I wonder what that all means?
I keep waking up lately with the feeling I was just thinking about something but I can't remember what it was. Like I was dreaming but just can't quite remember it.

AND, I've had a couple dreams over maybe 6 months that I remember. Both were more memories than dreams but they happened while sleeping so I guess it's a dream/memory?

I dreamed this but it also actually once happened. It was a family vacation scene with my mom and dad. We were on the beach, Virginia Beach, June 1962.

My dad is reading the local paper. My dad tells my mom, 'it says in the paper that Marilyn Monroe just lost 20 lbs. on a new diet'.

Mom answered, 'if she lost 20 lbs, she'd be dead'.

That's both a true story and a recent dream.

And Marilyn actually did die 5 weeks later.

I wonder what that all means?

I'll take a stab ~ Dreamemory

Copyrighted if it gains traction.
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I keep waking up lately with the feeling I was just thinking about something but I can't remember what it was. Like I was dreaming but just can't quite remember it.

AND, I've had a couple dreams over maybe 6 months that I remember. Both were more memories than dreams but they happened while sleeping so I guess it's a dream/memory?

I dreamed this but it also actually once happened. It was a family vacation scene with my mom and dad. We were on the beach, Virginia Beach, June 1962.

My dad is reading the local paper. My dad tells my mom, 'it says in the paper that Marilyn Monroe just lost 20 lbs. on a new diet'.

Mom answered, 'if she lost 20 lbs, she'd be dead'.

That's both a true story and a recent dream.

And Marilyn actually did die 5 weeks later.

I wonder what that all means?
I'll tell you something wierd. A lot of my dreams come true. Quite frequently I'll be doing something and I get deja Vu. I'll be doing what I dreamed. Usually a year or two before it happens. Details of things like the house being a match and the dream be before I moved there.
You didn't bring the thread down, don't worry about the inconsequential shit. I don't think you ever recover from some things, you simply survive from day to day with some days better than others, reality sucks.

How's your puppy doing, he has to be getting big?

Puppy's doing great. As of yesterday he's 33lbs @ 17wks. Hah...runt of the litter my ass.
He seems to be very intelligent and picks up commands fairly quick when you can keep his attention.

But as fate would have it, we had a close call within the first few days of coming home and nearly lost him.
Out of nowhere, he aspirated. I couldn't believe it. I was so proactive in not allowing him to gorge himself. It was just another one of those freak accidents. And the nearest emergency vet was over 100mi away. Long story short, I flew out the door with him, barefoot and braless. I grabbed some clothes and managed to borrow a portable O2 tank and away we went. The drive seemed to take forever and I was far too raw from losing my daughter to have this little puppy dying in my arms.

But I knew he wouldnt survive the trip without the O2 sup. so I guess my "thinking" can still be somewhat on point when emergency strikes. Plus I had my stethoscope. I could hear the coarse crackles in his tiny lungs both on inspir. and expir. Severe labored breathing.
Scan showed they were nearly full of food.
So, after 3 days in the O2 tent plus Rx for any primary/secondary infections he pulled through like a champ.
Not exactly a perfect start, but a happy ending none the less.
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Puppy's doing great. As of yesterday he's 33lbs @ 17wks. Hah...runt of the litter my ass.
He seems to be very intelligent and picks up commands fairly quick when you can keep his attention.

But as fate would have it, we had a close call within the first few days of coming home.
Out of nowhere, he aspirated. I couldn't believe it. I was so proactive in not allowing him to gorge himself. It was just another one of those freak accidents. And the nearest emergency vet was over 100mi away. Long story short, I flew out the door with him, barefoot and braless. I grabbed some clothes and managed to borrow a portable O2 tank and away we went. The drive seemed to take forever and I was far too raw from losing my daughter to have this little puppy dying in my arms.

But I knew he wouldnt survive the trip without the O2 sup. so I guess my "thinking" can still be somewhat on point when emergency strikes. Plus I had my stethoscope. I could hear the coarse crackles in his tiny lungs both on inspir. and expir. And the scan showed they were nearly full of food.
So, after 3 days in the O2 tent plus Rx for any primary/secondary infections he pulled through like a champ.
Not exactly a perfect start, but a happy ending none the less.

This is easy to like!!
I love a happy ending. :wink:
Reminds me that I need to wake up my Sourdough.
I managed to get some from a road house in the wilds of the Alaskan interior that is over 120 years old.
When we moved I fed it & the next day spread it over some parchment paper, allowed it to dry, broke it up into pieces & jarred it.

Thanks for the inspire my friend.
Yeah, 4 months in the fridge didnt do it any favors but thats probably the most hooch Ive had, should have made bloody mary w/bacon.
Thank you for the suggestion. My sleep issues aren't related to a deficiency...well they are but not in the clinical sense. And when sleep finally does come, there is no relief.
I don't want to put a downer on this thread so I'll just leave it at that.

You can PM if you want, I've had sleep problems for 20 years now (I call it "Sleeping like a baby". I waken up every hour or two for no apparent reason), so might be able to offer some hints and tips on the psychological side to maybe help you get a better quality of sleep during the times you do sleep.

The biggest one is "find a way to ignore it" as the second you think "I hope I sleep well tonight" is the second you won't. One thing I found that helped me clear my mind was having a radio on, but with the volume at just a fraction above background noise, you have to concentrate to listen to it, you focus your mind on that and as that focus takes over you can drift off as everything else going on vanishes.

And accept it, you know you won't get what others call "a good night's sleep", so why stress over it? Learn, and use, relaxation techniques so at least your body is at rest which helps overall stress. Might just be a couple of little things, but as you eliminate the little things they all add up to a big thing and such a gradual process means you ease into a better routine gently.

And I don't think you're bringing the thread down, I'm sure we're not the only two who have sleep problems, so if sharing tips and tricks can help someone then it's a benefit and not a curse.
I'll tell you something wierd. A lot of my dreams come true. Quite frequently I'll be doing something and I get deja Vu. I'll be doing what I dreamed. Usually a year or two before it happens. Details of things like the house being a match and the dream be before I moved there.
If we live in a manifold universe where there are between 11 and 13 dimensions as some physics predicts then in the 8th dimension and above you get both time vectors. So there is no real future and no real past, all time is now.
I've had sleep problems for 20 years now (I call it "Sleeping like a baby".
I identify with this. Had an awesome sleep this afternoon after smoking some bud from the riper plant, that has been hanging since Monday.
Humidity and temps are good they will likely hang ten days, don't worry about that...

Think I'll take 300mg Seroquel tonight, can't sleep that badly again tonight. Took 150 last night and I was up by 3.

Also, I am in trim jail. I am taking off the lower parts of the plants I didn't harvest yet. Where all the small shit lives when you let it grow wild like this.
The only way to deal with those is to wet trim as you cut it. Some grew some nice nugs, but I will have a lot of hash trim in the freezer. :)