Cut the grass right before the rain today, had to wait for it to dry from yesterday's rain. Still a little wet with 70% humidity all day.
Good day for a salad. Growing like hell in the rain.
Bottlenecks coming up quick with all the rain too.
I waited too long to buy them, had to scramble around to find them. Got abouta pound of bulbs left for later.
Before I found bottlenecks, I got some regular white onions and planted them close and deep to simulate. They'll be a little bulbous. I was going to make purple bulbous fake bottlenecks, but
@see4 would probably expect a royalty check.
Once in a grow forum a guy was over watering his plant asking why it was yellow. I told him he'd be great with onions and lettuce and he got mad.
Have to raise some pavers this week, between all the rain. 80% every day through the weekend and beyond.
Everything is graded away from the house, but this part can't be because the water can't go uphill. Have to raise and try to grade towards grates to french drain. The wife and I dug out and piped a dual exhaust french drain 4 or 5 yrs. ago. Water was pooling up in the same place. But we had 2'X2' patio slabs and after the french drain the water just sank, no problem. Got muddy over the winter with all the damn snow melts.
Minor fix, hope I only have to do it once, but it's kind of a guess to get the angle. Rain every day will be an immediate test.
Gotta fix this too, sank a hair with the rough winter.

Was dead nuts level last fall, bad place to trip at the top of the stairs.
Always something to do, I really don't know how I found time to work for 40 years, lol. I guess I needed the money
