What did you accomplish today?

OK I misread your post. :eyesmoke:
You are saying sacrifice a large branch & peel the "skin" to use a graft.

I thought you meant sever the main stem and remove the damaged segment before doing a "rejoin" -- which I'm 99% sure wouldn't work.

Hmm... I'm going to go find a scalpel and some peroxide! :leaf:
I would suggest a potato peeler, we don't use scalpels for skin grafts either but I don't think you could find a Brown Dermatome.
i'd take a scalpel, and cut all the way around twice, far enough apart to cover the bad part with some overlap. then split the piece vertically, and try to peel it off down to the bare wood. you want the underlayer to stay with the bark. cut away the bad stuff on your plants, and carefully scrape the bark away from the cambium on each side, then place your "graft", overlapping as much of the cambium as you can.use two or three pieces if you need to, then tie it on with a thin layer of gauze or something similar, so it can breath. i'd spray it with a little water if it looks like its starting to dry out.
Is that what they used to torture that guy in "Red Sparrow" ?
Haven't seen it. This is Zimmer's Brown Dermatome. In use there's a hose off the end.
OK I misread your post. :eyesmoke:
You are saying sacrifice a large branch & peel the "skin" to use a graft.

I thought you meant sever the main stem and remove the damaged segment before doing a "rejoin" -- which I'm 99% sure wouldn't work.

Hmm... I'm going to go find a scalpel and some peroxide! :leaf:
It's called a bridge graft if you want to do more research. I only heard about it in the last few weeks while looking into girdling.
i didn't know there was a name for it, my Gramps taught me to do grafts, so he didn't have to with his arthritis, just seemed like it might work. the alternative is to let it die, and i hate giving up
I have a few clones that have been stagnant for like 2 months, they started greening up about a month ago, then died back, now they all have new shoots coming out almost at soil level. I've cloned 3 times since I've cut those without any issues. Idk what happened, but if it's still green, I try saving them.

I bet that fucker would re root pretty quick if ya just chopped and planted it like a big clone. When i was guerrilla growing there were a few times I accidentally broke off a big branch, poked a hole in the ground and stuck it in, then not come back for a week, or more, and it had taken.
Breakfast. Went out to the garage and walked into a small swarm of wasps. The old Broncotractor thing i pushed in last night had a softball sized nest in it i didn't see. Killed without mercy. Mowed the lawn, weeded the veggie garden, then had to hand water everything, thought I could wait till tomorrow to use the sprinkler but stuff was really drooping by mid morning. Showered, you know you're dirty when it's black water going down the drain the minute you step in. Went and spent the afternoon with my grandfather and the family. Both a happy and sad day, glad he's around, but sometimes I wonder if he's at the point where he'd be better if he wasnt, I wouldn't want to be. I have no food in the house right now, so I wanted to stop and get a tuna steak for dinner, but my fish guy was closed. Then I get a text from my roommate that lobsters on sale at Shaws, $5.99lb, so I make some phone calls and they're all sold out. So it looks like I'm eating either leftover pizza or frozen hamburgers...them I'm gonna go get that Broncotractor running.