What did you accomplish today?

Nice. There is a beach near me, Cambria that has sand looking just like that

that aint sand, thats rocks...
has he caught you taking it? have you explained the difference between rocks and sand to him?......
i live right next to the great smoky mtn national park, they're very big on not taking stuff out of the park, and i can understand, over ten million people a year come through the park, if everyone took one flower or one rock, in a few years it would be the "big hole in the ground national park"
Thanks man, today was the first day I didn't have a full on flare up yet. I can feel it just want to start up, but it is like one or two pricks rather than a hundred at the same time.

Looks like we may have found the cause then
I'm proof that can be cured, diagnosis to zero medication in 8 months, end of next month sees how controlled it is as that will be 3 months without any medication.

In my case it was being an old fat bastard whose family has a history of diabetes, but mainly being a fat bastard, you just need to cut the sugar, I recommend Tagatesse if you can find it, use the stuff in my tea and whenever I make cookies or cakes, tastes just like sugar but doesn't turn your arse into a fire hose like other sweeteners do (I find Stevia to be particularly "explosive" in regard to the intestinal tract, cleans yer right out, it does). You get the sweet coffee without the sin, your blood sugar would come into order in no time.
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I hate sweeteners including stevia. We aspies don't take to change easily.
I just don't want to have to inject shit. I hate needles.

I am not fat, but I have a shitty heart and cholesterol. Worst is when you get taken into hospital for heart shit.. first thing they do is inject some salty shit into your belly skin. Burns like a mother fucker.
has he caught you taking it? have you explained the difference between rocks and sand to him?......
i live right next to the great smoky mtn national park, they're very big on not taking stuff out of the park, and i can understand, over ten million people a year come through the park, if everyone took one flower or one rock, in a few years it would be the "big hole in the ground national park"
Yeah, they use the same argument with me. I play with them just so far (so I don't get cited) but you can't win. I'll point out the all the giant rock formations in the water, the mountain slides in context past present and future of constant ongoing erosion and geologic activity and note that 100's the amount of sand in my bucket has just been produced as we've been talking. I'll then dump my bucket, meander back towards my car, have a smoke and then refill the bucket when they leave. I use it as a dressing for my bonsai's and shit.
Edit: I should note that there is a spot, all fenced in with no trespassing and warnings, where the commercial gravel merchants get their stuff lol
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Nice. There is a beach near me, Cambria that has sand looking just like that


I've always wondered where they get that stuff.

They must have a dying process because you can get vivid colors also. Most people want a natural color. I actually wanted purple for the other place, the owner of the epoxy stone company talked me out of it, insisting this color perfectly compliments musket brown walls. So I went with it.

They do have a color chip that matches that beach. Lol.
I've always wondered where they get that stuff.

They must have a dying process because you can get vivid colors also. Most people want a natural color. I actually wanted purple for the other place, the owner of the epoxy stone company talked me out of it, insisting this color perfectly compliments musket brown walls. So I went with it.

They do have a color chip that matches that beach. Lol.

Repost from Daily Nugg because I never have anything productive to post here ;)


Left town for a few days, almost lost an entire cloner's worth of plants. Lucky I was able to salvage 14 out of the 36, I really needed 22.


This tray contains all the C99 and Strawberry Cheesecake phenos that I recently popped, can't wait to see if there's any winning phenos to make moms with.


The rest are looking good...


I made the smallest clones ever. I didn't want to have to reveg any winning phenos, so I snipped really tiny shoots to clone and have ready to go in the case that there's stuff worth keeping. I'm surprised they rooted and are thriving. I'm that good...

Made over $3000 since Sunday. Drove down to Indy to sell my brother's buddy and half pound for $2000 (he already resold it for a $1200 profit), the cheapest I've ever gone but I had over 4 pounds on hand. Got back and everyone wanted ounces and brownies. Used up over a pound of cannabutter making pans, now I've gotta make more butter. Just great, busy, reminds me of the good old days...

Bought a couple plant caddies yesterday, just round wooden bases on plastic wheels.

Put container plant tomatoes on cafeteria trays, just push them around now. Too big to lift especially after watering.

More rain we don't need again currently. I think we set a record for June. Rain keeps fucking up the peppers, blossoms and buds keep coming off. Need a dry stretch.
I've always wondered where they get that stuff.

They must have a dying process because you can get vivid colors also. Most people want a natural color. I actually wanted purple for the other place, the owner of the epoxy stone company talked me out of it, insisting this color perfectly compliments musket brown walls. So I went with it.

They do have a color chip that matches that beach. Lol.
These are all natural colored, the coast is a subduction zone,about 40 mi west of the where the N. American and Pacific plates meet. Just tons of extreme deep earth metamorphic and igneous rock. I posted some pics of that area a few years back, for some reason I can't post pics from my computer any more so I can't repost. Anyway, I was on the NA side at the San Andreas fault looking a across a deep valley to the Pacific plate. All around were these heavy igneous and metamorphic rocks, boulders, hillsides of various colors. Lots of serpentine (greens, whites and reds). Just fascinating stuff.