What did you accomplish today?

Woke up and made it to the couch. (another bronchial infection) Thought for sure I'd face plant coming down the stairs. Of course the cat is always trying to assonate me on the stairwell and nearly succeeded today with the help of the dog.

My house is a mess and my garden work is backed up but I did manage to finish doing payroll.

That's it. My accomplishment for today will be to not move another inch.
My head feels like its in a vice with Joe Pesci in control. :-(
I gota admit when ibwas young i ad no problem having a great conversation with the pritty girls thay came up knocking trying to sell me jessus i never understood it because i sold steriods to a paster worked for like 3 and got burned so my intrest was dropin them panties lolz no never happend... But as i see this text i can see the nature of humans including me self corrupt heart its a trip and a good read. But then i get confused im a facts kinda person as i been fucked in life by many!!! i trust no one and i need hard facts i get confussed more and more
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I ordered a new vape on the internet today. Ready to quit the cigarettes again. I started smoking in China again. Did I admit that already? Anywho, yeah I feel like shit, ready to quit.

Good for you, it is very hard to quit the stinkies. The thing I dislike most about vaping is all the sweet fruity and dessert flavors, I always liked the taste of actual tobacco. I found the greatest ejuice company called Black Note, it's the only thing that keeps me off cigs. They're a little pricier, but all of their tobacco juices are incredible and are the closest thing to cigarettes I've come across. I recommend you get their sampler pack and see which you like the best. I'm down to about 6ml per day of 1.2mg nicotine, still coughing up huge quantities of nastiness from all the years of abuse...

A Symphony of Tobacco E-juices
We think it is perfectly OK to judge this book by its cover. For those who truly want to have it all, the Notebook provides a harmonious collection of our e-liquid flavors performed on a minor scale. The notes contained within the small yet powerful symphony give you a feel for the variety of distinct flavors that make up the full body of Black Note’s work. Each note is composed with the utmost precision, skill and explosive passion that are at the very core of any phenomenal performance.


The Notebook
Package Includes: (6 x 10ml)
Prelude, Legato, Sonata, Forte, Solo, Quartet

405 Reviews

When I still had big dogs, the "greet them at the door with barks of joy" command was Jesus loves you. Not too many knocked when they heard the chorus.
Hey barn one thing I forgot to tell you was that the ADA provides for removal of any out of control service dog. So people with dogs, that have terrible manners, can be asked to leave.

Here's the Federal information on it: https://www.ada.gov/service_animals_2010.htm
Hey barn one thing I forgot to tell you was that the ADA provides for removal of any out of control service dog. So people with dogs, that have terrible manners, can be asked to leave.

Here's the Federal information on it: https://www.ada.gov/service_animals_2010.htm
I guess I just think worst case scenerio of a 80lb dog going nuts on a plane or something. I do like a well mannered dog.
You probably wouldn't like one of mine. She likes to jump up and literally french kiss people she hasn't met.

Nailed my buddy the other day. I warned him but he just laughed. Until he got dog tongue.

My brother in law has a young Australian lab I think he is. He gets so excited he couldn’t stop jumping on me for the last 2 years since he was a puppy.

He tries really hard to be good when he sees me now. Just get whacked with his tail incessantly.

So I took him outside and he went running. He picked up a relatively huge log he likes and came running to show me his treasure.

Full speed he hit me right in the..............!!!!!!!!!
I guess I just think worst case scenerio of a 80lb dog going nuts on a plane or something. I do like a well mannered dog.
What type of training guarantees a dog will never act out? No training reduces a dog to an automaton. I also prefer a well mannered dog and even more so well mannered humans. With living things there is always unpredictability.
Yep, and if you do that again they have solar panels you can plug into a cigarette lighter to keep it charged.
Yeah, something like "solar panel 12 volt trickle charger", the packaging listed a bunch of uses, I got mine at Kragen Auto Parts( now called O'Reilly AP).

edit: around $25-30

So I called Advance Auto Parts shortly after I got the truck jumped and running, closest one is 5 min away.

Guy says yeah, we have a 12 volt solar panel trickle charger. I just saw one somewhere.

So I go over and pretty soon I have all 4 employees looking for it. Finally the guy says he guesses he was wrong. But I can order one for you.

So he goes on his computer and says 35.99 + 6.00 shipping for a 1.8 W 12 volt.

Then, feeling bad he got me in there with no charger on stock, he looks around on his computer and he says if I just go home and go online, it's only 29.99 with a 25% off sale and free shipping and 1 yr. warranty.

So I leave and go online. Set up order, type in code for 25% down to 22.49. Go to checkout and it's 32.99. $10.50 shipping. Free shipping is $25 and over.

So I back the fuck out of there and go all the way back to 12 volt solar panels. They had a 6 W 12 volt for 42.99 with a 5 yr. warranty. I wound up getting that with free shipping and 25% off for $2 more with tax than the cheaper one.

So I wound up with a better one with a much bigger solar panel. Lol. Amazing how you have to jump through hoops to get a deal.
My brother in law has a young Australian lab I think he is. He gets so excited he couldn’t stop jumping on me for the last 2 years since he was a puppy.

He tries really hard to be good when he sees me now. Just get whacked with his tail incessantly.

So I took him outside and he went running. He picked up a relatively huge log he likes and came running to show me his treasure.

Full speed he hit me right in the..............!!!!!!!!!
I installed some passive EMG guitar pickups I had laying around into my beat up POS Spector bass. I wasn't sure how guitar pickups would sound in a bass but they sound way better than the used P bass pickups I had in it. I think I'm going to fill in all the scratches, holes, and dents in the body with bondo then sand it down and paint it.

Please post pics of the project. I put those emg’s in a Kramer Strat copy and a birds eye maple neck in the 80’s.

Sorry no pics.