What did you accomplish today?

Yes, counting in tens is soooo hard.

I guess I missed the mark with that statement.

What I was inferring was that metric parts are almost impossible to get in this neck of the woods (in any sort of reasonable time) including metric metal stock for machining, specialized fasteners, cylinders, electronic parts etc as many have to come here from the manufacturer (read Not John Deere or Cat).

In addition, you don't trouble shoot that sort of machine with a screw driver & pliers.
Laptop only.
would it have been different if it was two guys sitting there in their skivvies?
are you really that different from a straight guy? don't you go through all the same shit, but with guys? cause i've known several gay people, and they were ALL drama queens, who bitched about their relationships non stop........
I can't relate to queens of any category. I'm about the straightest gay guy I know. But yeah you're right. If it were three hot guys I would've been a basket case.
Been busy as fuck the last few days. I started installing baffles and air dams in the eaves of the house so I could add insulation. I have a low pitch roof and I can't actually reach the eaves so I'm wedged in the rafters using tools duct taped to old broom handles.:roll: I'm also doing air sealing while I'm up there, spray foaming and tapping all the vent and electrical cutouts.

Then the temps were forecast to drop to freezing for a couple nights, so I had to turn on my garage heat. When I went to seal it up, the 2 roof vents, which are 10' long each, weren't closing right and had large air gaps where the seals were failing, so I started tearing them off. Got one done yesterday, gotta do the other today. Hopefully I see a big drop in my heating costs out there.

I also pulled the piece of plywood with the vent for my grow, it was over an old window opening. I threw it up quickly at the beginning of summer, but it was never painted or insulated. I got it painted yesterday and cut some 2" rigid foam to fit the opening. I'll get it all mounted, caulked and seal foamed today.

Morning everyone, I already layed 600sf of carpet this morning ( got a early start ) I've got 2800 more to go before I leave tomorrow, easy peasy. As long as the carpet I'm removing is as easy to remove as 1000+ SF I removed this morning already. I working in the most important building on campus so no pics this time sorry.
I also been harvesting cedar and oaks for the sawmill so pics coming soon of some awesome slabs ( I hope ) .
Peace out ( got to get back on my knees ....... laying carpet hahaha )