Well-Known Member
Ok give me your address, I'll be right over. I'm such a sucker for burnt ends. Little man looks about the right age to take home now that all the hard work is done he he he.
Oh no he's a little terrorist. Looks me square in the eyes as he chucks a car right at the tv. He's an angel for everyone else, though. He's all yours lol
The burnt ends turned out really good. I swear even better the next day when i simmered what was left in the oven at 350 for thirty minutes. So tender they just melt. Fuck me they were so good

The butt ended up cooking 16 hours! I freaked out a bit when they were 5 hours into the stall, at the 12 hour mark @162 and not budging. So i wrapped in foil and they started creeping up steadily and pulled off at 200, finished at 208. On at 7am off at 11pm. I thought they would be dry as a bone but ended up perfect.
To my surprises, not one hard part on the bark, when first seeing them. My best work yet. Everyone was pleased and gladly took some home.