What did you accomplish today?

No doubt we all have. I was raised waaaaaay back in the country. If a car happened to go by it was a big event. Every summer the DOT sent a spray truck out to spray roadside bushes. The chemical smell hung in the air for days. This was in the 60s so fuck knows what we were breathing in.:o
As kids we used to go watch the crop dusters for entertainment, I'm sure we got sprayed a few times, probably DDT back then.
When I got hired at work, now over 45 yrs. ago, everybody got fucked up.

AImost all the young guys brought in weed and all the old guys had booze in their lockers.

That kind of went away as the young guys became the old guys and had to pay attention to operating the different machines.

After I had been there 30 years, they hired a bunch of kids one time to cover retirements and vacations.

So I had to go find a coil 2 new guys couldn't find that I had orders to process before I left.

I'm in a coil aisle looking when I come across 2 other new guys hiding between coils smoking weed in a coke can.

They saw me and you could see them freaking out, hiding the can, looking for an escape route thinking they were busted. But they had to walk past me.

"What the fuck do you two idiots think you're doing smoking weed in here? Go the fuck outside with that shit like everybody else does! Then go wash your hands and splash off your face so nobody smells. Assholes."

Those two guys would do anything for me the next 10 years. They actually bought a retirement cake my last day.
Exped makes some good gear.

I bought the Lanshan 2. It's a sil nylon 2 person trekking pole tent mostly known as being sold by 3ful gear, but this one is by Meir. {20 bucks cheaper than the 3fulgear model} Everyone says it's a knockoff of ZPacks Duo, but it's a double wall tent. It's more a knockoff of 6 moons designs lunar duo.

Two pounds 11.75 ounces by my scale. Not too bad for 120 bucks.
LOL, I should have been more clear, what pillow.

But I can tell what you're excited about.:hump:
LOL, I should have been more clear, what pillow.

But I can tell what you're excited about.:hump:
Sorry. I'm at work, and the Amazon stuff is on my home computer, but i think it was these.


I got off early enough yesterday that i went to the camp last night. I used one of them as a knee pillow. Worked pretty good. But if i was using it for my head, I'd have to put the pack or butt pad underneath it. It's pretty thin. And blowing it up was a chore.
I tried surfing once. I was much better at riding my motorcycle and getting stoned, and hung out with the people who did the same.
I hung with the stoners as well. That time of my life was spent in search of the next party.:blsmoke:


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